Apply to join rS clan!


Postby Magyk on Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:56 pm

If I had shown up and typed "Application Accepted" in this thread, the same thing would have happened with Chew/Tensor and myself on opposite sides. Those two literally showed up in this thread to turn it into a seriocomedy because it gives them eboners. Xeon and I both said it before, and I actually think Ramshi articulated it better than either of us did - these guys showed up to be trolls, and that's the plain fact of the matter.

I'm still failing to see how anyone can defend the application of someone who said this was basically a pointless application that they didn't care about, and that they had no intention of playing siege. That pretty much validates my opinion on the application as being the correct one, so why is it even a discussion still? I'm also missing how anyone gets angry at me for "not having the authority, blah, blah, blah." when I said it my first and second posts here that if you weren't happy with what I decided to go get Guardian. I gave you the opportunity to straight away go get someone who "has authority" and you could have done so straight away, I'd have been on my merry way, and we'd probably still have a denied applicant. You coulda done that, but ya didn't, ya'll raged, because that's what you came here to do. That was your goal for this topic. GJ Chew. Good on you buddy.
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Postby CHEW on Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:35 am

Laser wrote:I think the point everyone is trying to make is that magyk thinks, in his own words, 'im just doing what i always did', but he never had cause to deny an application. Turns out he was just the guy who writes application accepted on topics because no one else could be bothered. In actual fact, magyk doesnt have the power to actually make a decision on an application, just to tell the applicant that he is in because everyone is always in unless they are flyer or their ability to speak English is low.

I think chew can be harsh, but the guy talks a hell of a lot of sense. I've never had a chance to actually talk to him and he doesnt know me. He says he doesnt matter round here, i think he really does. Some people need the reality spoon fed to them in the 'harsh' way that he can deliver, otherwise they will continue to think that they are right.

As for tensor, he's a troll but I think he's actually riled at magyk for denying this application, not because of any care for the clan, but just out of principal for someone breaching their authority.

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Postby piipe on Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:30 am

CHEW wrote:
Laser wrote:I think the point everyone is trying to make is that magyk thinks, in his own words, 'im just doing what i always did', but he never had cause to deny an application. Turns out he was just the guy who writes application accepted on topics because no one else could be bothered. In actual fact, magyk doesnt have the power to actually make a decision on an application, just to tell the applicant that he is in because everyone is always in unless they are flyer or their ability to speak English is low.

I think chew can be harsh, but the guy talks a hell of a lot of sense. I've never had a chance to actually talk to him and he doesnt know me. He says he doesnt matter round here, i think he really does. Some people need the reality spoon fed to them in the 'harsh' way that he can deliver, otherwise they will continue to think that they are right.

As for tensor, he's a troll but I think he's actually riled at magyk for denying this application, not because of any care for the clan, but just out of principal for someone breaching their authority.

@archi: did your carecup break because you filled it too much?

Did we just become best friends?

fuck off
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Postby Ramshi on Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:39 am

Ramshi wrote:Like I said before, you people are just deliberately targeting Magyk over a past issue that was alrady resolved. Any sensible person would have taken notice of Magyk's 'ask for Guard's opinion' clause at the end of his post, and done exactly that. But you guys didn't. You decided to yews this thread as an excuse to start beating Magyk up again because you believed that the previous issue was not resolved.

You people only came to start throwing insults and rages because Magyk came here, and to back yourself up you give arguments that you care about siege. Like Magyk said, why didn't you do that earlier when he hadn't come? You only came to rage at Magyk, and give the fact that you care about siege as an excuse.

Did you guys even read what I wrote?

Magyk wrote:If I had posted "Application Accepted" you guys would be slinging my own reasoning back at me asking me "Why would you accept him?? He doesn't even play siege!" just as an excuse to attack me to get yourselves off.

I honestly do not believe that Tensor and CHEW would have raged at Magyk if he had accepted Noah. However, I can say that denying Noah was the excuse for them to start raging at Magyk. Also, I reckon that Tensor only gives a shit about Noah is because he's a CTFer and Tensor likes his CTF.

Any sensible person, as I said before, would have asked Guard for his opinion or at least kindly asked Magyk for an explanation. But, like I said before, you used it AS AN EXCUSE to start raging.

Also, (excluding Mike), Magyk was not creating all siege drama at all. In fact, he was creating half the fun we even had on these forums - see the whodunnits, three word story etc. It was only that brief transitional period after he left, and you all thought that there was nothing because Magyk wasn't around, and so you decided, hey, I don't like Magyk very much after his 'Fuck this shit II" post, so I'm gonna decide he was creating all siege drama! And when he came back, it was the perfect excuse for you to start fighting again and cause drama and blame it all on Magyk.

And Archi, I'm not agreeing with Magyk's every word 'because I am new'. I am merely stating a valid point and remaining neutral. I do not agree with anyone in bullshit like this.
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Postby tens0r on Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:46 pm

I remember when noobs used to suck my dick.
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Postby Magyk on Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:28 pm

^So gay.
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Postby Ramshi on Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:26 am

And hence I know that I am correct.
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Postby Max Rambone on Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:28 am

Ramshi, really have no idea about SIEGE as a whole.

You've been around for MAYBE one tenth of its history.

I've seen pretty much everyone and everything.

Most of these dudes like Chew are not far behind me considering the fact that they have taken longer breaks than I have, at times. I'm really in the shit, huh?

As I see it, Magyk quit us, but comes around to flaunt his fake authority.

That makes me uneasy as much as it does Chew and Tens, TBH.

Especially with Magyk's track record.

Not trying to cut you down or take anything away from you, Ramschtien, but the simple fact haven't been around long enough.

If it were my call...IF Mag actually decided he wanted to stay, he would be a graphics bitch and that's ALL. Not sure if I would even trust him with any kind of admin.

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Postby Ramshi on Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:30 am

I've lived around long enough on this planet to tell the difference between right and wrong.
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Postby Max Rambone on Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:40 am

IF you think that Magyk's BS, crybaby post about leaving 'cause of the FREE service provided for him the the all-mighty Guard wasn't wrong, then I will submit that you DO NOT, in fact, know right and wrong.

That is all.

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