Impulse is primarily a pug server, so it is a good idea to have knowledge of pugs: both how to play one, and the generally understood rules culture of pugs.
First and foremost, how to play.
First, someone will say in all chat, "Spec or Capt," or something along those lines. If you are new to pugs, it is a good idea to join spectator, or risk being scrutinized and most likely kicked. If someone says "Spec or Kick," it is really not a good idea to stay in game, and you should definitely go spec.
The last two people in game (1 on each team) are now the two captains. Their job is to pistol duel, and then take turns picking players from spec.
To pistol duel:
1. Both players go lando on Hoth, demo on Desert/Cargo, and reborn boss on Korri (Generally decided by two evenly matched classes in health and speed)
2. Shoot the ground if it is a pistol duel, or bow if it is a saber duel, and once both players have acknowledged acceptance of the duel, feel free to attack your opponent.
3. The winning player gets first pick
It is up to the general majority as to how many players will be playing in the pug.
While playing, if a team loses a player (either by lag, afk, or disconnect), if there are any specs, then someone from spec will join the team that is one man down. If there are no specs, then it is the job of the team with an extra player to make one of their own to go spec in a timely manner. So just because you join a server that has a live pug game going late, or if you were not picked from the beginning, does not necessarily mean you will not get to play in the pug.
Generally Understood Siege Pug Rules:
1. Captains should be relatively equal in siege talent, not necessarily in pistol talent though (lol me + tensor)
2. No spec joining
3. No jan self killing/shield spamming
4. Pugs don't generally have more players than a 5 v 5, there are often exceptions for 6 v 6 though.
5. If it is stax, you deal with it, it is also partially your fault for letting shitty captains pick.
6. Spamming is generally frowned upon, not necessarily against the rules. You will likely face much verbal punishment for spamming which more than makes up for admin actions.
7. A restart is only usually allowed if there is a valid reason for it (A defense team forgetting to assign a jan, someone was afk, etc). A valid reason is only valid if the majority agrees that it is valid though, so don't be a whining bitch.
Pretty much everything else as far as rules go is defined by the current group of people playing (stuff like the chewie wookiee trick on cargo, class limits, etc)
Other things you should know:
1. Saying "Spec or Cap" makes you look like a noob, as cap and capt mean two different things.
2. Asking why you can't play will probably warrant a response you would rather not hear.