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Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:33 am
by Laser
Thanks to my parents for buying me JK2 when I was 9 years old on Christmas 2002!

I started playing jk2 sp but halfway through the game I thought I'd see what the mp was like, so I played some games against bots. I thought it was quite good, so I decided to play against real players online. I went to lots of ffa servers where is was told (a few times) not to 'lame', I was like whatever it's only a game and carried on killing other players discretely.

The only times I was in a clan properly were DK (Dark Knights and Deadly Alliance), but I got tired of it and decided to go at it alone. I played some ctf, reborn boss master, but then I kept going back to UJ server, an FFA clan which seemed ok. However, immature as I was, I became infamous there for constant laming, and, although I was never banned, I was kicked several times :roll: .

I was in town in February 2002, and I saw an advertising poster on a videogame shop for the release of reborn boss Academy, the sequal to Outcast. I was amazed, I straight away told my mum that I really wanted that game. I was given it 9 months after release on Christmas that year.

At first, I was reluctant to play it because I still enjoyed JK2, but after a while I decided to have a go, because JK2 servers were becoming more and more deserted.

My first clan in JKA was DF, I was in this clan for about 6 months, until it disbanded. While it was up, it was one of the best, creating its own admin mods and spreading them around the community. DF, however, had some rival clans, who plotted lots of evil in order to bring DF down. Eventually, this worked when a member of the council left and was found out to have joined the main rivals under a different alias.

This sparked chaos inside the clan and eventually one of the senior members decided it was time to end the clan. I moved on, away from that clan instead of going to one of the smaller, breakaway clans which popped up.

Eventually, after visiting popular servers and trying to get noticed by duelling a lot, I found an old JK2 clan friend who invited me to join FW. I immediately accepted but found it was unfriendly. My first time in the server one of the council members was duelling regular members and if they weren't good enough they would be kicked. My time came up, I stepped up to face the challenge, and then quickly pressed escape, exit, main menu. My short-lived career in a pro clan ended.

After a while, my friend had found a new clan, called Kor, short for Korrunai. It was a new clan and he said it had a lot of promise. I joined and became aware that I was one of about 2 Euros in the clan, never mind Brits.

Kor was one of the best clans I had ever been in, it was very structured and the rules made sense. I had a good raport with alomost all of the members even though I hardly saw some of them. I was only 11 or 12, but I wasn't the youngest in the clan. I made some good friends in Kor and we all had our own little group.

Unfortuneately, after about 18 months, the clan disbanded. I joined a small breakaway clan but decided it wasn't for me after Korrunai regrouped and reformed, making a new clan called LnD (Legends Never Die). This broke up because of the leader and some twat inside the clan who everyone hated, Fang was a prick, he constantly used crappy little ja+ combos and exploits to gain a petty advantage in duels.

After months of this, myself and the group of friends I was a part of decided to leave. This was about 30 people and it caused devastation in LnD. The leader was desperate to keep the remainder together, but threats were made inside the clan and it simply fell apart. The much needed disbandment announcement was late but inevitable. Rj became the new LnD, the old members who were liked joined and at first the clan thrived. This didn't last very long though and soon enough the server was empty most of the time and the forums became less and less popular. Afte much hanging on, Rj was also branded a 'community' rather than a clan. The forums carried on but the server was shut down and most of the members started to play WoW.

I had only carried on playing FFA because of the talking rather than the gametype, because FFA in JKA is a bit boring, let's face it.

Late in 2006, I started playing siege seriously, rather spontaneously on-and-off. I played a lot on lick and GoS (euro) server, the first time I was actually recognised in siege was after a couple of months of playing, I believe I was on a team with DJ and some decent lick guy in desert, and someone on the other team remarked that the teams were unfair because us 3 were on the same team.

In 2007, I was informed of lick's interest in me, probably the same day I spammed the lift on hoth :P. GoS also approached me when I was in their server and actually told me to apply, I said I'd think about it. About 2-3 days later, I was playing on RCB server, and the people there were so friendly. I remember Necromancer was there, possibly Tom too, and alfa says his brother also happened to be playing there. I asked them if RCB was recruiting, they said no, but I could get in by invitation, and told me to get in touch with Beeper. Beeper, being the nice guy he is said he'd take a look at me. I was invited and told to apply, here it is: .

If you look at the application, you will see that there was a small debate because Turkey and Eyen didn't want me in because I had been revenge spamming, but the others seemed to warm to me, and I was accepted (after a football discussion) by Sakke, who was then the leader of RCB, 3 days after my application was posted, Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:24 pm.

Sakke wrote:I bet you never saw me there.
Specced and accepted.

Welcome to RCB, Laser!

I begun to play more regularly and teamed up with Viltte in a 2s partnership, we played regular games against Bullet and Kirby, who had the better of the earlier games, but after a while LaserViltte won their share :).

Beeper turned me into an atst driver, Sakke introduced me to the American community, DJ taught me a bunch of tricks, Viltte was a great influence on my siege playing, while Mazon and Feroce kept me entertained and amused :D .

My first proper Impulse Pug was a success as far as I was concerned, it was basically an RCB vs., I don't remember the other team but they were no pushovers, it was tight but we came out on top, with me playing snowtrooper and surpassing my own expectations. At one point, when RCB defending, they got the hangar lift and it looked all over until I jumped onto the lift at the last possible half-second and golan'd the shit out of him, Sakke promoted me on the spot :) .

During my siege era, I was notified that clan Rj (Resurrecred reborn boss) was back up and running. I applied on the condition I was allowed to continue my role in RCB, my argument being that siege and ffa are completely different communites. Rj rejected this claim and told me I had to leave in order to join them. I realised they couldn't want me that much if they lay this line down, so I refused.

Then, I realised that they DID want me, because my refusal to back down sparked off an argument inside the clan, and the clan was divided, pro-Laser and anti-Laser. Eventually, after numerous rejected appeals, I distanced myself from the clan and continued my siege era. A few months later, I received an email regarding Rj. It had disbanded after 'an ongoing dispute', which I guessed may have been about its multi-clanning policy. I was also informed of a new clan, BoH (Blades of Honour), a breakaway from Rj, which invited me to join and said they allowed multi-clanning through gametypes.

I accepted this offer, knowing it may be the last chance I had to get back with my old group of friends. The fun was good but didn't last long, activity fell and the clan disbanded.

I had a break from JKA for a while, and didn't play properly for about 12 months, I already knew about RS clan but didn't think it would be a success in breathing life back into siege, I was clearly wrong. When I came back, there was a new generation of siegers, and because of my new computer with far superior specs to the old one, I could play properly. I remember playing zombies with Lord, Yo, MeR and basically a lot of cp, but I only knew MeR from RCB and the other guys were new to me, even though they have actually been playing just as long.

I improved quickly, regaining my old confidence and getting used to a higher fps mixed with much better graphics, going from 'Fastest' setting to 'high quality' and FPS 0-20 to 60-120.

A few cp members said they wanted me to join, but when I applied they said I had to leave RCB, which I refused to do, they were fairly adament on their rules and neither me nor cp would back down, so, still friendly, I withdrew my application.

I forgot to mention that Fusion helped me big time to get into the Euro pug community, I used to play 2v2s with him too, against ce.

Over the past year I've played some great pugs, I've had a few arguments and fell out with a number of people ;) . I'm not one to hold grudges, especially in internet videogames :lol:. I'm friendly with pretty much everyone, and most people now show me respect and I've made good siege buddies. If you actually read all the way to here, good job, and thanks!



Here's a couple screenshots of me training some ffa clans in siege:



T³ v Team Red and White

Just a good 2v2

First ever 1v1, 1 of about 3 lol

The 2v2 tournament, we did ourselves proud!



an ineffably large pug

Pugging with the boyz (and sith)


Mr. Popular

Laser + Yo partnership worked sometimes

CP vs

Large pug with some RCB :)

Don't ask

I didn't win that time

I was quite proud of this victory

Got what he deserved!

Christmas Eve ownage

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:47 am
by Ýô
wow nice story bro

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:08 am
by Turky
dude still uses modded spawntimer

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:59 am
by tens0r
Turky wrote:dude still uses modded spawntimer

Laser send me this!

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:38 pm
by Kerafym
Turky wrote:dude still uses modded spawntimer

I had a modded spawntimer in the final version of Keramod. It's pretty good for really late games.

I take offense to your claiming to have bested the Circle of Friendship, Laser. That CoF is clearly a fake and cheap imitation.

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:35 am
by Laser
Thanks Yo :)

What's this CoF you talk about, Kera??

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:00 pm
by Kerafym
The Circle of Friendship.

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:43 am
by Max Rambone
Circle-jerk of Fiends, TBH.


Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:53 pm
by tens0r
Max Rambone wrote:Circle-jerk of Fiends, TBH.


Someone is jealous they are not in CoF.

Re: Laser's Siege/JKA Story

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 1:45 am
by Max Rambone guessed it.
