ATTN: People with Macs

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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby CHEW on Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:54 pm

I think polesmoker is available, you could be rs!polesmoker.

Plus, only assholes yews apple products.

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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Max Rambone on Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:30 am


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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Tom on Sun Dec 25, 2011 8:03 pm

CHEW wrote:I think polesmoker is available, you could be rs!polesmoker.

Plus, only assholes yews apple products.

*Posted from my iphone

i think polesmokers buy apple products too.

Ok, apple are harder to yews, but are virus-free and generally better performance-wise.
Windows is simple, and allows everything, is easy to hack, and is crawling with viruses.
The two balance each other out.

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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Magyk on Sun Dec 25, 2011 8:44 pm

Tom wrote:
CHEW wrote:I think polesmoker is available, you could be rs!polesmoker.

Plus, only assholes yews apple products.

*Posted from my iphone

i think polesmokers buy apple products too.

Ok, apple are harder to yews, but are virus-free and generally better performance-wise.
Windows is simple, and allows everything, is easy to hack, and is crawling with viruses.
The two balance each other out.


rofl, wut?
I have highlighted everything that is a gross lie.
Macs are not virus-free. On the contrary, the "virus database" for mac's is growing faster than the PC one, because the # of Mac user's is also growing.
Mac is easily the far inferior/simpler system - how can you even say that Windows is simple, and Mac is harder to yews? Apple's ENTIRE sales pitch is "anyone can yews this, it's a baby's toy."
PC's are not "crawling with viruses" unless you're an idiot that doesn't know how to install an antivirus.
Saying Macs are better performance wise is hilarious. Mac's hardware can hardly be upgraded (easily) whereas I can upgrade anything in my PC on essentially a plug-and-play system. I've never, ever used a Mac that has trumped the performance of my upgraded desktop PC - and in fact, I have never ever used a Mac that has trumped the performance of my completely stock Sony Vaio.

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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Turky on Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:39 pm

Magyk wrote:
Tom wrote:
CHEW wrote:I think polesmoker is available, you could be rs!polesmoker.

Plus, only assholes yews apple products.

*Posted from my iphone

i think polesmokers buy apple products too.

Ok, apple are harder to yews, but are virus-free and generally better performance-wise.
Windows is simple, and allows everything, is easy to hack, and is crawling with viruses.
The two balance each other out.


I have highlighted everything that is a gross lie.
Turkey, feel free to explain to him the difference between is and are. Thanks resident Grammar Nazi.

Not sure dude... whenever I correct you, you claim to not care about your grammar on the interwebs :P

Isn't the care-scale kind of relative from one player to the next?

Anyways "Tom," we typically yews "are" to refer to a plural noun. Such as "apples" (which could be used to describe multiple Apple computers). Sorry to say it, but I knew that in sixth grade. You must have either gone to a really crappy school, or just be stupid. And frankly, I tend to think that the way someone behaves in a text-based online setting is a great way of exhibiting their true internal intelligence. I'll leave it at that.

And as far as Mac/Windows is concerned, I say this:

The loose justification for why Apple computers don't get viruses is because "so few people yews Apple that people don't bother wasting their time writing viruses for it." But, more realistically, Apple is probably virus-free because it's a super nazi about letting things install or gain control of your system. Which, for users, can be really annoying. Now Windows 7 uses that same general idea of requesting admin approval for every single system operation... even so much as placing a file into a program files folder.

So, first off, Win7 is tons more secure than XP was. I remember Bob (Maxiumus) telling me that he mostly relies on the Win7 security/antivirus without even using free programs like AVG and such. Therefore the phrase "crawling with viruses" is a bit hyperbolic, since a lot of those viruses that people write never see the light of day because of Win7's increased security. Which, honestly is a part of Windows' efforts to become more like Apple :P

But really now. All this "increased security" is saying is "hay guyz we put up a 90,000 foot wall around our country so no one gets in unless the president says they canz. rly secure rite????" It's more genuinely secure for a country to filter all of their incoming immigrants and manage to not let anyone threatening (or illegal) through. Or, at least to deal with those threats promptly and efficiently if any red flags should come up. Multiple lines of defense, you know?

With all that being said: a truly secure operating system would know what's bad and what's good, and not let them in to begin with, or at least know when something that's slipped through the cracks starts to do something bad.

In defense of Mac though: It uses the UNIX file system (Linux does too), whereas MS still uses NTFS. In NTFS, when you delete something, it's not technically gone. Some super jan nerd, like from CSI, could go in and recover that file. But in UNIX, when you delete a file, your shit is fucking GONE. No nerd can recover it, essentially. And what that means is that over time, your hard drive won't be nearly as congested; whereas with Windows computers, after a few years the system gets slower and slower.

okay I could write more but I'm sick of ranting. so end rant :P
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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Kerafym on Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:42 pm

Macs are pretty terrible for computer products all around.

The iPhone and iPods aren't bad products; they're just bad for their pricerange. I wouldn't give someone shit for using one if they got it cheap/free, or if they just didn't care about the money then that's their choice (some people value the convenience of buying something knowing it's going to do what they want it to without having to spend the time researching for something that will do all of what they need for as cheap as possible, different strokes for different folks I guess), I just hate people that act like their apple shit's the epitome of personal entertainment or whatever, because it's not.

Apple software's not particularly the most enjoyable thing to work with, so if you get stuck having to yews that, that's also suboptimal.

By the way (not accusing anybody here of being one, just venting) fanboys are faggots. So are anti-fanboys. People need to appreciate what they like and let other people do the same. People who shit on other people for what they enjoy are just bitter because they can't enjoy what they have by themselves.
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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Turky on Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:17 pm

also @ magyk: You're absolutely right about the hardware upgradability factor. You often pay a large fortune to Mac for their prefab computers, you can't really build one yourself from parts so you're forced to pay upmarked prices for the finished product. Not only that, but anything that isn't a Mac Pro (iMac, Macbook, iTouch, Mac Mini etc) is going to have a physically slim/small form factor similar to a laptop. Meaning you can't put in a card that looks like this:


And therefore, from a gamer's perspective, that means that the graphics card has to be mobile like the ones used in laptops, for any Mac that isn't a Mac Pro (something that looks like a regular computer tower). While mobile graphics cards yews less power, that also means they don't perform as well as their desktop counterparts, and they're much more difficult (if not impossible) to both obtain an upgrade chip for, and to install that upgraded chip if you should even get your hands on it. And because of how they're usually situated inside a tight space, they're harder to keep cool.

So they obviously seem to want your money, there's like zero promotion from Apple in terms of buying your own parts and putting together your own system. It's very proprietary, you buy from Apple or you don't get an Apple system.
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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Maximus on Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:51 pm

Ok, apple are harder to yews, but are virus-free and generally better performance-wise.
Windows is simple, and allows everything, is easy to hack, and is crawling with viruses.

Apple has always prided themselves on being easier to yews for most consumer tasks.
Your statement on viruses requires only one counterexample, which is trivial to provide.
Performance-wise I have yet to see any consistent benchmarks where the same hardware performs better running Mac OS than Windows. It's funny to read reviews of MacBook Pros and see higher benchmarks under Windows 7 than Mac OS.
Windows is simpler than it used to be.
Starting with Vista, it no longer "allows everything", at least to the extent that it used to.
In some sense it may be "easier to hack" than some other platforms, but hacks are reliant on so many different methods and frequently third party software that "hackability" is hard to quantify.
Historically there have been more viruses for Windows, but one can attribute that to simple economics - most bang for the buck to develop viruses on the most common platform.

Due to the success of Mac, security through obscurity is no longer a viable model. They're being fairly proactive with the iOS security by only allowing signed code to run. There have been jailbreaks but those are the inevitable bugs that get patched fairly quickly. Overall there's far lower risk running on iOS than on Android. Of course you pay for the walled garden both in dollars and in reduced customizability.
Going forward the focus of consumers, businesses, and therefore hackers is going to be mobile moreso than desktop. Mac (OSX) and Linux have had a superior security model to Windows for a long time, with which Windows 7 is just now beginning to reach parity. You can and perhaps should get antivirus on Mac and Linux, in addition to Windows.
At the end of the day the weakest link in security is the user. I went to my uncle's for Christmas, and he uses Internet Explorer (9) for everything; it had 5 toolbars installed and all these plugins for flash games. I uninstalled all of that, ran several anti spyware programs, defragmented etc. Now that most OSes come with reasonable security defaults, the main vector for infecting large numbers of users is social engineering; fake emails from your bank, popup "free virus scans", media plugins, etc. It really only takes one of these infections to sufficiently weaken defenses, then everything can come in.
As for hardware cost, yea you're pretty locked in on Mac. That's why I bought a retail copy of Mac OS and installed it on some custom built hardware. Took me about a month to get all the drivers working, and there's a few minor bugs, but I saved about half the cost of the cheapest Mac (mini) by utilizing existing hardware and buying compatible (usually something similar to Intel and nVidia reference design) hardware.

In my opinion, and I yews all three on a regular basis, Windows, Mac, and Linux are similar in features, security, and usability for your "average consumer". Mac provides the nicest looking and most simplified GUI for accomplishing common tasks. Windows provides the widest variety of software for accomplishing nearly any task you can think of. Linux is a cheap and frequently viable replacement for either, though I'd say it's still beyond the ability of the average consumer to administrate (not yews). For the 95% of users that check email, check sports scores, play Farmwille on Facebook, and print pictures from their camera, any of these are reasonable options.
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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Max Rambone on Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:18 am

Turky wrote: "Tom," we typically yews "are" to refer to a plural noun. Such as "apples" (which could be used to describe multiple Apple computers).

I'm no English major, but I'm pretty sure that "Apple" can be considered a widely-known term for "Apple computers."

Technically, it's understood that "Apple" could be plural in that respect....the same way that something like "The Los Angeles Lakers" can be considered a singular organization.

Not "Apple Computers (Inc.)"....just "Apple computers," in general.

Turky wrote:In defense of Mac though: It uses the UNIX file system (Linux does too), whereas MS still uses NTFS. In NTFS, when you delete something, it's not technically gone. Some super tesh nerd, like from CSI, could go in and recover that file. But in UNIX, when you delete a file, your shit is fucking GONE. No nerd can recover it, essentially. And what that means is that over time, your hard drive won't be nearly as congested; whereas with Windows computers, after a few years the system gets slower and slower.

I pretty much agreed with the other stuff, but you're kinda wrong here, too....

Linux and MACX yews a "UNIX-like" file system....not much difference, but...

I'm glad you think I'm a superCSI nerd....I've recovered files from both Windows and Linux OSes.

Linux files behave much the same way as windows files when deleted...the only difference is Linux is a true multi-user OS and deleted files go away MUCH more quickly than windows files....and windows fragments files more...that is...stores them on different areas of the HDD.

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Re: ATTN: People with Macs

Postby Magyk on Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:41 am

I was actually just talking about the fact that he says "Apple(s) ARE" and "Windows IS." Sounded very odd to me.

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