NOTE: This list is outdated, was made using a somewhat flawed system, and I'm sure there are a lot of names you don't recognize. This should really only be used as a guideline as to who to pick first and last and in between. Some of the notable flaws are Sonic's/Jerk's low position (behind me/lorax) and Lorax's slightly high position (above myself, and Jerk)
- Code: Select all
[b]ELITE TIER: [/b]
#1. Tensor (4)
#2. Jkb (8)
#3. Guard (14)
#4. Jawa (18)
#5. Wuf (19)
#6. Duo (22)
#7. Kera (25)
#8. Saberdude (28)
#9. Roflraptor (36)
[b]PRO TIER: [/b]
#10. Yo (37)
#11. Archi (40)
#12. Turk (40)
#13. Fusion (40)
#14. Vail (42)
#15. Ghoul (44)
#16. Pipe (47)
#17. Laser (56)
#18. Lorax (59)
#19. VDS (64)
[b]GOOD TIER: [/b]
#20. Tema (64)
#21. Magyk (67)
#22. Fool (67)
#23. Sith (68)
#24. Jerk (72)
#25. Cyclosarin (72)
#26. Sonic (73)
#27. Afro (80)
#28. Katy (83)
#29. Phoenix (84)
#30. Cow (90)
#31. What_console (95)
#32. Kane (96)
#33. MR. KILL (100)
#34. General Garm (106)
#35. Mike (108)
#36. Blackout (120)
#37. Delta (138)
This is just a "Master List" I compiled averaging everyone's score from a ton of different lists (which is why it's ultimately flawed, as it's based on opinion only and not every list had an identical set of players on it.)
To see the rest of the lists visit this topic: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1572
You can familiarize yourself as who should go where. Hope some of this helps.
Edit: Updated with a somewhat more accurate list.
PS: Ignore the numbers like the (4) by Tensor's name, all that has to do with is how I compiled the list. The lower the total points you were assigned, the better your rank.