Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

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Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Ramshi on Wed May 16, 2012 1:48 am

One day Caesar got a blowjob by a dude called Dennis Ferguson who really likes to fondle kittens while jacking off. The kittens themselves would often participate in strange acts such as kissing, but sometimes Caesar got real mad and called his auntie and uncle to fuck off all night long. This was easy to believe that they then enzymatically catalysed several chihuahuas and ferrets to emphatically explode. But he died.

Meanwhile, Mike was jacking off to scaly dragon porn, and that's when Ramshi joined in because he's secretly aroused by dragons. Everyone soon came all over the bodies of everyone on the bus they were on. The bus driver continued eating Cthulhu (a fictional cosmic entity) while ogling the vicious bunny horde that was about twice a week vociferously sesquipedalian. (noisily using long words).

Psephologists (people who study political elections) find elections fascinating as well as cleverly painted turtles who were all jejunely histrionic (immaturely dramatic) when Piipe showed up for his annual raping at his pink starfish. He then decided to buy some brains because his floccinaucinihilipilification (estimation of something as valueless) caused considerable badinage (playful banter) and severe anatidaephobia (fear that somewhere in the world, a duck is watching you) for kakorrhaphiophobia (fear of failure)produced mild hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (fear of long words) whence selcouth ubiquitous comestibles (unusual omnipresent eatables) with contradictory fungibility (free replaceability) proved cantankerously erinaceous (of the hedgehog family).

The tergiversating (renegade) siegers were pugging, when Mike farted loudly while Silver Absolution was fucking Mike's fart. Xeon went to kill double posters.

(Abrupt aside):

"Jkb ugly Canadian."
"Piipe beautiful Chilean."

Piipe is such a native Chilean dude, it's actually quite horrific. Gigantic wombats like to suck lumbricoid (earthwormly) cerebrums vociferously whilst ablating lugubriously (vaporising gloomily).
Let's talk about how Xeon was playing by himself with his favourite doll that was quite pulchritudinous (physically beautiful) and bodacious just like Mike's inflatable husky. That's fucked up. Mike and Piipe are fucked up in the head.

Silver Absolution met some bunnies in the bed. They were nasty. Just then a giant piece of Mike's inflatable husky shit fell from (abrupt aside):

"Get ninja'd, dude."
"What? Ninjas? Where!?"
"You are ninja."
"I am spy."
"You all suck."
"This thread is officially un-bear-able like every thread ever in forums lately. Or just ever."
"No, just you noobs."

After a Roflraptor played siege there was much controversy surrounding his fail image post that was Magyk. Indeed Magyk was the fucking best.

(Abrupt aside):

"Lies! I am!"
"You are gay, and a pussy, just like Caesar."

Once upon a pedestrian, languorous (dull, and even more dull) day, pernicious dipsomaniacs (deadly alcoholics) ensconced themselves (settled securely) amongst nefariously duplicitous (villainous, deceitful) koalas having supercilious (contemptuous) and antagonistic conversations involving salacious (lustful), fornicating homosapiens who are very naked due to circumstances beyond our control. However, ravenous baboons were making babies when, fortuitously (luckily), gophers (squirrels) stole Mike's golfballs in a litany (recitation) while a bunny ate a pig.

Meanwhile, a ram died of insignificance resulting from kleptomania (habit of staeling items) because there was a murder investigation with palaeontologists befuddled by turquoise bones.
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Roflraptor on Wed May 16, 2012 4:48 am

Also known as the 'I don't want to consult a dictionary every 5 seconds' version.
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Ramshi on Wed May 16, 2012 5:51 am

Roflraptor wrote:Also known as the 'I don't want to consult a dictionary every 5 seconds' version.
Well I did it all for you, so be grateful.
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Turquoise Dragon on Wed May 16, 2012 8:02 am

Ramshi wrote:gophers (squirrels)




...or putting it into my terms....


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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Magyk on Wed May 16, 2012 8:44 am

Turquoise Dragon wrote:Gopher:

LOOOOOOOOOOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby aradorasxeon on Wed May 16, 2012 8:51 am

LoL I've never read those word in one piece, now I see it's fucking Hilarious!
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Turquoise Dragon on Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:28 pm

Bump for best thread.
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Ramshi on Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:06 pm

what the hell when did I write this.....
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Turquoise Dragon on Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:45 am

Ramshi wrote:what the hell when did I write this.....

We had a three-word-story thread. Users would make a story by posting a series of three words at a time. You merely condensed all the posts together.
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Re: Final Three Word Story Edited and Synonymised

Postby Magyk on Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:27 pm

Magyk wrote:
Turquoise Dragon wrote:Gopher:

LOOOOOOOOOOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Still laughed.
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