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Fuck America

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:40 pm
by Caesar ... #c80999298

I watched this today during study hall with a couple of friends. This pissed my off so much after watching that video. The boy should be held in prison for 20 years. I feel so bad for the victims of the families. The defense attorney's speech was so much bullshit it was not even funny. I feel no sympathy for Ethan whatsoever. He deserves to burn in hell with all the other rich snobs who think their above the law. The DA was complaining the sentence was hard for Ethan because he was taken away from his parents after the incident. That is so much bullshit. All of the defense team and Ethan can be struck down by God.

(my opinion sorry for raging just really mad)

Re: Fuck America

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:48 pm
by MajorMajor
Yeah, I can't believe the judge bought that. It isn't justification for his actions merely an explanation that can be summed up as "Spoiled Brat". But really I don't even know the kid. Maybe he really isn't spoiled at all, its only the defense they used, and he made some poor choices which killed some people. Logic dictates he needs to be punished for it so he'll pay a debt for his actions and so that in the future he will be more careful in what decisions he makes.

Fortunately, we have civil court where, hopefully, any inheritance he'd receive will now go to the families of all the people he killed. Money is small consolation though, even in large amounts, for something that can never be corrected.