Rogue One teaser trailer

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Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby LORD on Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:30 pm

I strongly believe main character is just Jan Ors renamed to Jyn Erso and this guy with beard is other version of Kyle.
What do u guys think about it ?
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby Caesar on Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:50 pm

I think Disney is running out of ideas. The trailer looked like any cookie-cutter star wars flick. Dude x rebels against the empire. Haven't seen that before! If Disney wants me to go see VIII, they better buy some creativity, seeing as how they can afford practically everything else.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby Turquoise Dragon on Mon Apr 11, 2016 6:04 pm

Looks like maybe incorporating some of the dark forces/reborn boss knight stuff into it. Unnamed dude with a lightsaber resembles Our Lord and Savior Kyle Katarn. There's Dark Troopers (or what looks like an adaptation of them), attack on a rebel base that looks like it's getting wiped out, grabbing the death star plans.....

Any chance of getting Kyle (or a renamed version) in a movie is cool with me.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby Magyk on Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:58 pm

Caesar wrote:I think Disney is running out of ideas. The trailer looked like any cookie-cutter star wars flick. Dude x rebels against the empire. Haven't seen that before! If Disney wants me to go see VIII, they better buy some creativity, seeing as how they can afford practically everything else.

Please give us a brief synopsis of your own original Star Wars plot.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby LORD on Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:49 am

@ Caesar, generally movies are based on real stories or books so star wars looks in general very original. Lucas was ofc inspired by some other movies, legends books etc, but created quite original story. It's not a proflem 4 me to watch star wars movie which i know how it ends. It can be more original than EP 7 imo.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby Blackout on Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:07 pm

I've watched the trailer and I think it looks better than The Force Awakens but it's always hard to tell from a trailer. I did like VII in general, but it wasn't particularly inventive and they gave barely any background information on the political situation which would have been nice to see. I think that stand alone films based in the SW universe have a lot of potential. I'm sure there will be lots more films I think there are 5 yet to be released that are currently announced and I can't see them stopping with that, they'll surely make loads of money regardless of quality I just hope they do it well.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby Onasi on Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:30 am

LORD wrote:It can be more original than EP 7 imo.

I fail to imagine how a movie more unoriginal than ep7 could be made.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby Magyk on Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:42 am

Still waiting for Ceasar's movie pitch that doesn't boil down to good vs. evil.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby LORD on Wed Apr 13, 2016 9:56 am

Onasi wrote:
LORD wrote:It can be more original than EP 7 imo.

I fail to imagine how a movie more unoriginal than ep7 could be made.

Never said ep7 is original :D i like this movie much but the worst thing was another death star. I was like omg not same shit again :/ i knew how it ends after like 1h of movie.
From new SW movies i don't expect originality , if they somehow create sth original it could be great.
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Re: Rogue One teaser trailer

Postby Caesar on Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:59 pm

I don't mind pitting good against evil. I never said that anywhere. I said the trailer lacked originality. Really, another Death Star ending?? Big Shock! No idea how that will end! Literally anything would be better than ANOTHER death star movie. Stop coming up with titles Disney. Just start naming your films Death Star III, Death Star IV, Death Star V etc.. Oh but wait, Rogue I is a prequel you say. What did they do? They don't know how to write a movie without a Death Star in it somewhere. They rectified this by placing the movie at the construction of a PREVIOUS Death Star. How original.

Luke Skywalker opening a fast-food restaurant would be more interesting than another Death-Star-themed movie. He could open the restaurant with Vader and name it 'Dos Bros Tacos.' How original is this?
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