With the election just around the corner its about time I got around to commenting on it. If you aren't voting then please do. Why? The more of us who vote the more likely the collective wisdom of the masses will prevail rather than those of just a select group. Plus its your right and if you don't yews it you risk losing it.
I'll be up front with you all and tell you right off the bat I'm voting for Hillary. Something I swore to myself I'd never do unless Donald Trump was the opposing candidate. Seriously, I said this in a political discussion several months before he decided to run. I was joking but it was oddly prophetic.
I want to make it clear that I am not a Hilary supporter even though I am voting for her. Politically, I think she was a poor choice for a candidate. She has too many scandals in her past and quite a bit of lying. I think she skates by on the letter of the law, without breaking it, bending it like a pretzel. I would have preferred Sanders but I disagree with his push for new entitlement programs when we are already so heavily in debt. So in the primary I voted Republican in the hopes of having a candidate that I could vote for who wasn't Hillary. Unfortunately, my choice came in second to Donald Trump. I'm telling you this to let you all know I'm not averse to voting for a Republican. They just have to be the right Republican.
I think Donald Trump is a horrible person. I also, think Trump supporters who believe he is more trustworthy than Hillary are foolish. He has lied much more than Hillary over the course of this campaign.http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/lists/people/comparing-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-truth-o-met/ Even worse is the content of those falsehoods is often meant to be divisive. He has been shown to accept support from racist groups and then quietly denounce them rather than loudly reject them before being asked. Donald Trump lacks transparency. He has refused to be transparent with his tax returns while at the same time decrying Hillary's lack of transparency with her emails.
Donald Trump demeans women and then loudly proclaims that "no one respects women more than" him. Hell, he was even caught on tape bragging about being able to grope them and then saying that afterward when asked about it. Its not just that he lies more than Hillary but that it is completely shameless.
People get tired of political correctness. I think we could do with a little less in places too but it isn't right with me when a lack of political correctness hurts other people. Making fun of a person's disability is outside of not being politically correct and into the territory of being an asshole. As if bragging about sexual snowtrooper doesn't already put him in that territory.
Donald Trump constantly brags about how great he is. He claims to know more than the generals. Hell, he has so many brags about knowing more than anybody else it'd be too many to list here https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/10/04/17-issues-that-donald-trump-knows-better-than-anyone-else-according-to-donald-trump/. Some people have repeated these to me in support of Trump (practically verbatim I might add).
This is another reason I think some Trump supporters are foolish because some have been fooled. A group of them accepts his claims at face value without Donald providing any supporting evidence. Its a sales tactic. He knows that if he repeats good things about himself enough a certain number of people will believe it, whether its true or not, without any evidence.
I am disappointed in Hillary for resorting to name calling. She was wrong to call Trump supporters deplorables. Trump supporters aren't deplorables. They only support Trump's deplorable behavior by continuing to support him.
Combined all his behavior leads me to believe he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read about it on wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder and think about how Donald behaves. He hits a lot of characteristics of the disorder more than the average person.
When I vote I'm not voting for Hillary because I want to support her. I'm voting because of how I think Donald Trump would represent America and the kind of America he might create. Other people, other countries are watching, and when those people meet with Donald at the negotiating table they are going to remember him behaving like a jackass and probably see more of the same. His bragging about being a great negotiator isn't going to help him cut a deal with the guy(woman?) across the table who dislikes him because of his personality or basic character. When we choose someone to represent us we shouldn't want to handicap ourselves going into negotiations. We won't be sending the best with Hillary but we will be sending someone who isn't going to offend an entire country with her tweets.
I worry about the Republican party after this election, win or lose. I want to see a Republican party that pushes to end deficit spending and repay our debt. I want to see a Republican party that goes back to governing by tax policy rather than cutting corporations and the wealthy a break. I want to see a Republican party that is proactive and stands up for minorities by putting forth legislation that protects the rights afforded to all of us in the constitution. I want to see a Republican party that is constructive and will trade for some of what it wants rather than just say no and get nothing done.
I encourage everyone to get out to vote even if I haven't persuaded you. Make a choice as its the only way to effect change.