Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

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Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Max Rambone on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:16 pm

Ventrilo is a VOIP (Voice Over IP) program. Basically, it's for real-time voice communications over the internet.

Despite the fact that there are one or two dudes that can be douchebags from time to time there, it is REALLY fun to be able to talk to fellow siegers during the game and when just messing around.

Some of my favorite vent people, in no particular order, are:

Schrute (Even though he never speaks.)

J3rk (Mic currently broken, but this guy is pure win.)

Piipe (Awesome to finally hear him.)

Roflraptor (Great person, great player, and I love the Aussie accents.)

Rbob/Nug/Bunny (Pretty much the same reasons an Raptor.)

Console (Kinda the same reasons as

GUARD!AN (You'll know why from the instant you meet him on vent.)




Trk (When not raging)

DUO (When not raging)

Jawa (When not raging)

Kera (When not raging)

M.T. Dragoon


Cydonis (Just met this guy, but I like him.)

Piston, Randir, Ramshi, Sonic, Silver Absolution...I know I've probably missed some...sorry if I did.

Pizza gets honorable mention since he never gets on or plays anymore....oh, and Laser.

First of all, get ventrilo:

Most users will need the first link there under CLIENT.

If you want the 64-bit version or have an operating system other than 7/vista/xp, then get the proper one.

Here are the the Ventrilo FAQs:

After the client program has been installed you can yews these quick step-by-step instructions for getting the program configured and connected into a server. Before you begin you need to know several things before you can connect to a server.

1) The server's hostname or IP address. The person running the server should have this information.

2) The server's port number. Ventrilo server's and client's default to port number 3784 but if the server admin has changed the port number then you will need to tell the Ventrilo client to yews the same port number when connecting to the server.

The hostname is

The port is 4404


There is no password for the server itself, but there are passwords on some of the channels.

The general channel passwords are the same as the IMPULSE PUG PASSWORD.

Also, remember that you DO NOT have to have a MICROPHONE!!!!

You are not required to speak if you don't want to, but it's nice.

You can get plenty of good feedback from other players that way and just ignore Duo when he rages.

If anyone has any complaints about anything that goes on in the vent server, please contact me via xfire, PM, etc... (All comments/complaints will be kept confidential, of course.)

If I get enough complaints about a particular person/situation, I will deal with it.

Usually when we have a PUG, most everyone is in vent....Hope to see more of you there.

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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby piipe on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:31 pm

if i talk on vent everyone should talk on vent
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Caesar on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:45 am

Ugg well sounds like somthing else for me to royaly screw up. This sounds even more complicated then custom maps... Well i get it when i can. Some o u know my story but for those of u who dont...
Well i need to have an A in science class to get it. Bottom line. When i gow back to school ill start fresh in that class so ..... Almost everything is awsome in that class but..... when i have to apply it and stuff wel.....
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Ranger Bob on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:51 am

Don't worry Ceasar...not even you can get it wrong with these explicit instructions...(I hope)
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Magyk on Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:24 pm

I'll get it when I buy a mic, which will be soonish. Just waiting on my next paycheck.
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Turky on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:06 pm

Guy won't join vent until he gets a mic...
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Duo on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:26 pm

You can yews headphones as a mic.
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Kerafym on Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:24 pm

Duo wrote:You can yews headphones as a mic.

The sound quality's not good.
Hi. I'm angry on the internet.
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Max Rambone on Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:36 pm

I felt as though I left out a critical point by not mentioning this in my original post:

Ventrilo is a VOIP (Voice Over IP) program. Basically, it's for real-time voice communications over the internet.

Despite the fact that there are one or two dudes that can be douchebags from time to time there, it is REALLY fun to be able to talk to fellow siegers during the game and when just messing around.

Some of my favorite vent people, in no particular order, are:

Schrute (Even though he never speaks.)

J3rk (Mic currently broken, but this guy is pure win.)

Piipe (Awesome to finally hear him.)

Roflraptor (Great person, great player, and I love the Aussie accents.)

Rbob/Nug/Bunny (Pretty much the same reasons an Raptor.)

Console (Kinda the same reasons as

GUARD!AN (You'll know why from the instant you meet him on vent.)




Trk (When not raging)

DUO (When not raging)

Jawa (When not raging)

Kera (When not raging)

Cydonis (Just met this guy, but I like him.)

Piston, Randir, Ramshi, Sonic, Silver Absolution...I know I've probably missed some...sorry if I did.

Pizza gets honorable mention since he never gets on or plays anymore....oh, and Laser.
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Re: Downloading Ventrilo and joining *rS! vent server

Postby Max Rambone on Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:54 pm


If anyone has any complaints about anything that goes on in the vent server, please contact me via xfire, PM, etc...

If I get enough complaints about a particular person/situation I will deal with it.

Eventus stultorum magister.
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