Siege Hiatus.

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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Magyk on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:21 pm

Omg, Ceasar. I'm going to dig a hole, strangle you, and throw you in. I swear you're just here to run around an antagonize people and I know I'm not the only person that's sick of it.

A.) The server does not lag "once every 5 games or so." It lags literally every second half of a pug/game.
B.) The lag does not last 1.5 nor is it "slightly annoying." Whenever it occurs it lasts upwards of 4 minutes of continuous, damn hard lag and the number of times it has crashed impulse mid-pug is enough to warrant raging for a new server.
C.) Just because it was a pub round means nothing. What if it WAS a pug? That was my point. I lost the shield gen due to lag, you guys got a gay-ass rush because of lag at codes, you got hangar because of lag also. You raped us for 3 objectives in under 4 minutes not because of skill, but because of blinding lag.
D.) The teams were not stacked.

As I explained to you before.

[16:43] Magyk||Hiryu: there is a gigantic difference between holding objectives for 16 minutes and losing a round
[16:44] Magyk||Hiryu: and having lag deliver the objectives to the offense on a silver platter in 4 minutes
[16:44] -Ceasar-: ok lets be realistic
[16:44] -Ceasar-: teams were ultra stacked
[16:44] Magyk||Hiryu: um, no
[16:44] Magyk||Hiryu: you, gac, and elite ranger vs. me and three randoms? that's basically a 2v2.
[16:45] Magyk||Hiryu: elite ranger is a trash player who cant get a kill without blowing himself up, and i'm pretty sure my three randoms would be good for ONE kill per spawn
[16:45] -Ceasar-: ok i guess

This is not the topic to launch this rage, but I'm still going to throw this little anecdote in here anyway: STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE TOUGH SHIT BECAUSE YOU CAN PULLTHROW PEOPLE. Literally anyone with half a fucking brain can click two buttons. Although given that you're the person who can almost NEVER download a map and put it in base without a problem springing up, I guess training you to click two buttons is a goddamn amazing achievement.
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Caesar on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:23 pm

Ok but this is quite unnecessary because now I have to start pugs hich I dont want to do cause im lazy. The teams were stacked you were the only one on your team who knew what they were doing. The other two might as well have not been there. They couldn't hit a structure the size of a barn with pt if they were inside of it. The lagg happens worse in temp ye but pugs only once every few games for an upwards of 2 at worst 3 min.
Last edited by Caesar on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Caesar on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:24 pm

Ahh lol Magy at ragemode. Im not acting like anything. Your OVERREACTING. And tbh look at what Tensor said about reborn boss being best class.
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Magyk on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:29 pm

Magyk wrote:Omg, Ceasar. I'm going to dig a hole, strangle you, and throw you in. I swear you're just here to run around an antagonize people and I know I'm not the only person that's sick of it.

Caesar wrote:The lagg happens worse in temp ye but pugs only once every few games for an upwards of 2 at worst 3 min.

The lag happens pretty equally on both servers. I would actually say impulse is the worse of the two if I had to pick though.

Magyk wrote:D.) The teams were not stacked.

The teams, again, were not stacked.
Caesar wrote:The teams were stacked you were the only one on your team who knew what they were doing. The other two might as well have not been there. They hit a structure the sixe of a barn with pt if they were inside of it.

It was 4v3, my team with the numbers. My little nooblet minions were two janning. I can take you 1v1 any day of the week. Name a place and time. Gacuch, while being an absolutely filthy korri chewie, is not a dazzling player in the least. Elite Ranger is a retard who is more likely to fuck your team up with bad play than aide it. The teams were not stacked. Even if they were, let's PRETEND for 5 minutes they were, you still would have NEVER gotten those objs in such a fast time without lag aiding you. I can go into details of how it aided you if you really want me to.

Why does this even matter? Who cares if it was a pub? Are we just going to WAIT for it to happen on impulse before we fix the problem? What yews is there in that? Why can't we just fix the problem now before it kills/ruins another pug than it already has?
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Turquoise Dragon on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:32 pm

1) The lag is very bad at impulse (possibly added to more lagginess on my end). I've lagged regularly at least 50% of the time EVERY pug in the past two weeks. Several times I've timed out due to lags, requiring me to completely close out JKA and restart. You can't do shit during those lags.

2) reborn boss is a massively OP class for dudes who can't yews guns.
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Caesar on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:32 pm

Hmm your overreacting , not suprising, but I very well can take you in 1v1 I have before and destroyed ya even though ya always had an excuse. "I ddn't have mouse or something.
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Magyk on Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:50 pm

Dude. I literally never play with a mouse when we less than 3s. You're a fucking joke. Name a non laggy server and I'll fucking tear you apart. Stop pretending you're good at a video game because you can pull throw people. It's literally the easiest offensive class to play in the entire game.
Magyk wrote:I swear you're just here to run around an antagonize people and I know I'm not the only person that's sick of it.

I'm not "overreacting" to something that should have been said a long time ago. 4-5 minutes of lag that is impossible to play through is a big deal. Especially when it occurs 50% of the time as mike said (or every half pug as I said.) In case you hadn't noticed, Mike has about 3,400,555,550 more credibility points than you. You're literally only posting in this topic to stir shit up. GTFO shitty.

Edit: I will no longer be replying to anything you say. You are a troll, a retard, and beneath me and I don't feel the need to give you any second of my time any more. Good day fag.
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Caesar on Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:13 am

As i said UMADBRO?
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby Magyk on Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:18 am

^Point solidified.

back to the topic at hand, we need new servers because the current ones are laggy and have a tendency to ruin games. they also crash fairly frequently.

edit: did my sig disappear for anyone else?
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Re: Siege Hiatus.

Postby j3rk on Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:49 am

(I see no sig.) And Magyk, I understood your boycotting for hoth but boycotting for a new server rubs me the wrong way since guard actually pays real money and invests time to host the sites/bandwidth/servers/etc. Granted he does it for his own reasons, and I'm not disagreeing that the lag has been impacting games lately, but I think you're coming off a bit douchey.

Also, I put up an "ESM PUG" server to see if it helps as an alternative. It would suck to miss out of pugs for fear of lag but if that ends up splitting the community or whatever I'll take it down. For now I'm just going to leave it up indefinitely. I don't know what your pings will be like there (Southwest) but lag spikes shouldn't be a problem.

- Server trackers up on:
- It's named "ESM PUG" on the server list and you can /connect
- I believe all of the usual maps and settings are there, let me know if anything is missing

Just my twenty-two cents.
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