My Story

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My Story

Postby GUARD!AN on Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:40 am

This is a work in progress I guess, I'll edit this every so often with updated details and fill in a few blanks I left in my story. I'll also add pictures soon enough.

So I have actually owned JKA since it came out. The sad thing was, when I tried to take it online way back when, it said my firewall was blocking it, and I was a noob with computers back then so I didn't really know how to unblock it.

A couple of years later, in April 2005, my friend was over at my house and was looking through my games. He noticed I owned JKA, and recommended I try the siege gametype, it was really fun. (Now that I look back on it, maybe he was an old sieger...I should ask him sometime). I told him it doesn't work online but he told me to stfu and put the disc in. And somehow it worked.

The first siege server I connected to was ".........U2," the siege server that belonged to the clan [UJ], short for United reborn boss. They are still around today at if anyone is interested (they have a new name now). I remember being kind of a loudmouth and saying all kinds of funny shit in the server (my first time online in a video game for all intents and purposes), and one person who particularly responded a lot was a guy named Unholy Alliance. We got along great back then, and he was actually the first of our generation to join UJ a week or two later.

I was surprisingly hooked onto this new gametype, and slowly was able to recognize the names of the other frequent visitors, names like Ghostbob, I like to drop bombs, Jawa Swatter, Lucky_Ewok, Riku, Tyro, Antzor. They were all friendly guys save for Antzor, I don't know what made him so angry. Slowly most of them joined UJ, and one day ILTDB told me that UJ is matching players and UJ needs players who have promise. Around this time UJ matched AB (short for abominatus), and got their asses handed to them, but I wasn't in the clan yet. I did get to watch though. I didn't really take him too seriously, I was just like wtfmatchesrofl, and kind of ignored him to be honest. Later I did see one of the regulars I was a bit more friendly with, Ghostbob, join UJ, so in the first week of June 2005, I decided I'd give it a shot.

I applied and was in, just in time for my first match against clan Heroic that night. And boy did we get RAPED. And mind you, Heroic was one of the shittiest clans back then. For some reason it didn't really discourage me though, it just made me want to beat them, and get better at the game.

I also happened to own JK2, not sure how or why, which was UJ's main game, FFA being the gametype. Ghostbob downloaded it illegally if I recall, and we both did that whole stupid "NO LAME CHAT BOX UP" nonsense so we could rank up in the clan, and hopefully lead the clan to victory in siege, since we were actually quite limited as low ranking members. And so for the longest time Gbob was my right hand man, and we did everything together, from dueling for hours in UJ's JK2 server, to pubbing for hours at U2, to speccing the good players at Heroic_Hall, and trying to learn something from them.

Me and Gbob managed to recruit a second generation of siegers, names like Omnipotent1, Tyr Anasazi, and Morphling for anyone who may recognize those names. All of three of them actually got pretty decent, and during this time a clan named TD rose from what was left of AB. They started the mainstream dissent of spam, and set precedent for a lot of the "attitude flaws" plaguing many of today's siegers, but this is arguable.

We really disliked their attitudes, and wanted to beat them at their own game. We just didn't really know how at first.

In order for us to get better, me and Gbob would scrim against TD all the time. Losing however demoralized many players. Unholy Alliance quit and joined TD at one point, and Omni got sick of losing so much and joined TD. Tyr dissapeared, and Morphling went AFK. ILTDB was fun to play with, but crappy in matches, as was most of the rest of our team.

Me and Gbob realized we could try playing other clans too, and our first victory was against DFY and Ghost of clan DS. I guess those two took it a little personally they lost, and from then on DS had some horrible vendetta against UJ, resulting in the terrible distaste I have for that clan. They would do their best to establish a reputation for UJ as a spam clan, somewhat similar to what lick's reputation was, and I really didn't appreciate it.

A few victories and other clans later (maybe I'll edit the details of those later), I was chilling out in the JK2 server, and I met the guy who would change everything. Advent, a high ranking member of UJ, who was a great friend of mine, had a little brother. Advent let him play around for a bit, and I just talked to him out of courtesy, and had a duel with him at the pad. He asked if I had been playing long, and I just told him I don't really play JK2 that much, JKA is my thing, I play a gametype called siege, and it's really nothing like JK2 FFA. He seemed interested so I again told him out of courtesy that he should check it out. He played it a little bit, and before long, Advent helped him set up an account on UJ's forums. His name was Tensor.

Me and Gbob decided we would make Tensor our jan bitch, so Gbob could go back to demo, and we could double bag demo to combat Tyro and Hawk. (Demo was and has always been my main class, though I did play a lot of D reborn boss on hoth pubs a lot). Tensor picked it up real fast though, so surprisingly fast that I told Omni, who usually talked with me on xfire regularly and I considered still my friend. He decided to go tell AchilleZ, the leader of TD, about our new secret weapon, who proceeded to try and recruit Tensor to TD. They made Tensor 1 v 1 Jawa, and back then jan sk was legal, and we had taught tensor to sk to catch some spawns if he was low ammo low hp and no shield, but goddamn he took it to a whole new level, and shield spammed the fuck out of Jawa, one of the best TDs at 1 v 1s. They decided Tensor sucked and rejected him haha.

Gbob disappeared for school reasons, and slowly me and Tensor realized how limited we were by UJ, as the people we wanted to recruit were sitting in no mans land waiting for the higher ups to accept new members. (Hence why we firmly believe in quick recruitment at rS), among many other problems with the administration. Tensor invited me to an xfire chat session one day with Me, Ghostbob (who was back but still kind of afk), DanDaMan, Omni, and Jawa I think. We decided to create a new clan, called GT, short for Guardian and Tensor, and took up the name ^GT^Ae0n.

The clan failed really fast, we actually argued over whether or not to recruit Chew, an ex member of TD. I was surprisingly against Chew's recruitment, as I for some reason remembered him being a douche to me one time while he was in TD.

AchilleZ contacted me and took full advantage of the internal strife of the first GT. He asked me why I was wasting time trying to get good, when I could just be trained by the pros and fight with the big dogs. He had been asking me to join TD for some time, but somehow he convinced me that night, and I let him login to my GT account and he super raged on my account. The first GT fell and I was now ShocK*[TÐ]. For the longest time though, so I could multiclan in UJ and TD, everyone in TD pretended I was a CTFer lol, until I revealed my identity for shits and giggles.

I learned all kinds of cool tricks, a lot of the stuff I still see no one has figured out or knows how to do (maybe one of these days me or Jawa can show you all some cool TD shit). I also finally defeated Heroic with the help of Hawk and Riku (their top lineup too, Flyin, Dan, and Oink), and that finally helped establish my new reputation as a good player, and not just some UJ noob.

After a while, and many victories later, Tensor contacted me again after he was done with his RCB phase. He wanted to gun for TD, and wanted me to help. He wanted to revive GT. I said I would help him revive GT, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to play against TD. This went on for a couple of months, until Tensor and Ghostbob (who had reappeared out of nowhere, and was even a TD with me for a while) had a talk with me and finally reminded me how much I hate the general attitude of TD.

And on August 7th, 2006, me, Tensor, Chew, and BlackNinja defeated the undefeated TD. (Their lineup was Hawk/Synical, Riku/Evasive, Tyro, and DemonHunter/Saw). I really wish Ghostbob was there to play with me, but sadly real life kept him away again.

And so began the era of pugs. They were played before, but not nearly as much before then, as there was never a dedicated pug server until HELL (GT's old server, owned by Chew). We would pug sooo much, and it was always so much fun, as all of the GT veterans were now the top dogs of siege. We even recruited some noob players and watched them rise to the elite ranks, players like Wafflz and Siegest.

After a while, other clans like exiles arose to try and challenge us (I don't think we ever matched, but w/e), but GT remains to this day undefeated.

This however went to some members' in GT's heads and made them assume they could get away with doing whatever, and one day when I saw Jawa and Tensor spawn laming RCB during a scrim we were having with them, I decided to try something new. Since I already lacked the "scruples" to not multiclan, I contacted MajorMajor, leader of RCB and asked him if I could join, and help RCB become a more skilled and respected clan. Major, although very against the idea of multiclanning, decided to take a chance on me, and I would train a few members and play with them in scrims. And so Hurricane>RCB<R was born.

What really got me excited was defeating Jawa, Tensor, and Alex in a scrim when I played for RCB, and I realized that it was kind of fun fucking with Jawa and Tensor. (Gbob was in vent with them and told me they were raging at eachother the whole time). So I joined BFA, and became (BFA)Nightmare. And another hilarious scrim ensued when me and Kathor Hanes defeated JawaTensor.

I also joined just about every clan you can think of because I was so amused at all of it (You will probably remember above all [lick]HakaMan{FJ} and [UJ]Vulcan[E], maybe later I'll come back and list all of them), and I became daresay THE sieger who has been in the most clans at any one single time.

Eventually GT discovered my identities, and Tensor left (not cause of my multiclanning, it was just that time of the month for him). And GT pretty much for all intents and purposes was dead. We still pugged a crapload though.

In August 2007, I took my loooong AFK from the game as I got really involved in RL, and missed most of the later lick drama and its death. The only times I have really been active since then has been during summers and winter breaks, especially after I switched majors to computer engineering.

One day I was bored back in April 2009, and decided to fire up JA on my new desktop pc, only to realize there STILL wasn't a mainstream pub server to serve as replacement to lick. I casually looked up prices, and noticed EscapedTurkey offered 15 bucks a month for 32 slots, the very same provider as .....U2 from back in the day, so I bought it for shits and giggles, and didn't actually think people would connect to my server. I gave rcon to Elkon to fuck around with, and next thing I knew, a few weeks later, PEOPLE ACTUALLY CONNECTED. I was so thrilled my server was populated, as I figured American siege was all but dead. Later Tensor approached me and once again we decided to make a clan, this time not to defeat any particular clan, but to revive our favorite game. And here we are.

My primary names throughout my siege career (the inspiration for my sig of course :)):

1. guarding; protecting: a guardian deity.
2. a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind
speeds of or in excess of 72 mph (32 m/sec).
3. (in Gnosticism) one of a class of powers or beings conceived as emanating
from the Supreme Being and performing various functions in the operations of
the universe.
4. a terrifying dream in which the dreamer experiences feelings of helplessness,
extreme anxiety, sorrow, etc.
5. The sensation and muscular spasm caused by an electric current passing
through the body or a body part.
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Re: My Story

Postby Max Rambone on Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:19 am

Awesome story....

I was off Battlefronting with Ganner and Clouds after most of THU quit siege-ing and thus missed the days of AB and most of TD, so I never really got to know you, tens, or most of the peeps you mentioned sans the Heroics.

I knew Chew pretty well and chatted with Ghostbob quite a bit on AIM for a while.

AchilleZ was an ass in-game, but we chatted quite a bit on IM and he was pretty cool to talk to.

Hawk was the first person since Clouds to make me say "Holy shit, that guy can lando."

Cool archi trivia here if you don't know:

Flyin' and I were in the same FFA clan together....FoJ and he joined HRC and I THU after the massive failure of the SWAT division of FoJ.

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Re: My Story

Postby $£xyc@w on Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:27 am

OMG HAWK hawky is it the same guy who were in nexu lugormod? german?
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Re: My Story

Postby Duo on Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:42 am

$£xyc@w wrote:OMG HAWK hawky is it the same guy who were in nexu lugormod? german?

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Re: My Story

Postby $£xyc@w on Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:55 am

is he still playing?
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Re: My Story

Postby Duo on Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:00 am

$£xyc@w wrote:is he still playing?

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Re: My Story

Postby Ýô on Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:26 am

wow guard, rly nice, sounds a bit like prehistory of siege, but real kewl

its a pity so much good players are inactive now
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Re: My Story

Postby GUARD!AN on Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:18 pm

Max Rambone wrote:Awesome story....

I was off Battlefronting with Ganner and Clouds after most of THU quit siege-ing and thus missed the days of AB and most of TD, so I never really got to know you, tens, or most of the peeps you mentioned sans the Heroics.

I knew Chew pretty well and chatted with Ghostbob quite a bit on AIM for a while.

AchilleZ was an ass in-game, but we chatted quite a bit on IM and he was pretty cool to talk to.

Hawk was the first person since Clouds to make me say "Holy shit, that guy can lando."

Cool archi trivia here if you don't know:

Flyin' and I were in the same FFA clan together....FoJ and he joined HRC and I THU after the massive failure of the SWAT division of FoJ.


I remember seeing you and clouds pubbing a lot after the inactivity of Thu. Although not mentioned above, before I had matched TD, you two were the first two guys I looked at and really made me feel like I was looking at true teamwork. (Especially on Korri when you guys would go jan/chewie on offense). If I was around earlier in Siege I probably would have wanted to join Thu.

Ýô wrote:wow guard, rly nice, sounds a bit like prehistory of siege, but real kewl

its a pity so much good players are inactive now

Aye. I still talk to some of them on AIM luckily.

1. guarding; protecting: a guardian deity.
2. a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm of the western North Atlantic, having wind
speeds of or in excess of 72 mph (32 m/sec).
3. (in Gnosticism) one of a class of powers or beings conceived as emanating
from the Supreme Being and performing various functions in the operations of
the universe.
4. a terrifying dream in which the dreamer experiences feelings of helplessness,
extreme anxiety, sorrow, etc.
5. The sensation and muscular spasm caused by an electric current passing
through the body or a body part.
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Re: My Story

Postby Max Rambone on Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:56 pm

Aye....I miss Clouds.

I never e-respected anyone more for their abilities AND attitude.

He's one of the few I don't still hear from every now and then.

Eventus stultorum magister.
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Re: My Story

Postby Turky on Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:13 pm

I wonder if jakab still talks to prz. I haven't hit him up in ages.
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