Gun Control

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Re: Gun Control

Postby Darth_Wayne on Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:50 pm

If you have to carry a gun in public to feel safe, you should probably consider moving.
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Re: Gun Control

Postby tens0r on Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:09 pm

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Re: Gun Control

Postby Max Rambone on Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:24 am

Darth_Wayne wrote:If you have to carry a gun in public to feel safe, you should probably consider moving.

Where?....please tell me where to move so that I don't have to worry about insane people.

I'll still have my carry weapon anyway, but I want you to actually say something smart rather than just spout sheepish remarks like:

Darth_Wayne wrote:It won't change because a 200 year old piece of paper says so.

The area I live in is actually VERY devoid of gun violence..OR ANY VIOLENCE, but that doesn't prevent me from being prepared for anything that might happen. Call me a nut if you want, but I'm ready when a dude wants to kill me for WHATEVER reason. Am I crazy?...maybe...but am I prepared? DEFINITELY.

If you want to debate with me and not just spout your own opinions... a little background... ... ention_Act

The video that ramshi obviously ignored:

Armed Robberies UP 69%
snowtroopers With Guns UP 28%
Gun Murders UP 19%
Home Invasions UP 21%

Who cares If people need to kill themselves?... they don't need guns to do it...jump off a building, run a hose from the exhaust of your car...take a bunch of pills...go swimming with stingrays. Fuck people who want to commit suicide...I'm not a psychiatrist. Guess's sad, but true.

Also, a little something for you people who think Americans are...whatever..

You're right...Americans are violent with guns....SOUTH AMERICANS.

IE ... .43-PM.png ... .17-PM.png

Say "TLDR" or whatever you want, but don't come at me without some evidence that proves me otherwise.

OH, and just in case you think that I think the USA is this:

Your pal,

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Re: Gun Control

Postby Silver Absolution on Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:25 am

I've been thinking about this for a while now.

I think archi has a very valid point.

We never know what's around the corner. And making ourselves believe that bad things can happen to others but not yourself is a totally stupid idea. Being prepared for 'em (in whatever way) will give you a fair chance of living to tell the story, son't you think?

Still, I understand why most people don't dare carrying a gun/other weapon with them. It just feels... wrong.
Last year, having suffered 4 intended robberies in the middle of the street (none really succeded. You CAN actually talk your way out of some idiots... Not something to rely on, though) I found a long lost switchblade in my house, and decided to take it with me wherever I went. One day, I was having fun with my girlfriend and her friends, when a guy showed up from nowhere, wanting to steal one of the girls' wallet, pointing at us with some sort of knife. I pulled out the blade,and went right to the guys throat. He ran away before I could do him anything.
I don't think he was as much as scared as I was, though. Wasn't sared of the guy, but rather of myself...
I never really liked fighting, though I have been forced to do so in some ocassions. And this went over the line. Having the possibility of ending someone's life feels terribly wrong...

The switchblade remains in a box inside my wardrobe. And I have not taken it out since that day...
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Re: Gun Control

Postby Ramshi on Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:54 am

this reminds me of console telling me that he doesnt put up a fight when people try to attack him, rather he just uses words and laughs at them when they try to bash him :S
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Re: Gun Control

Postby Laser on Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:13 am

Statistically, in my country if you carry a knife you're more likely to be stabbed.

It's not just guns I have a problem with, it's weapons.

Why should I walk round my own neighbourhood in fear of people with guns?

And owning a gun myself would do little to dispel that fear.

So so happy that we have decent gun control here.
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Re: Gun Control

Postby Ramshi on Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:17 am

like honestly, australia hasn't had a single mass shooting since 1996.

Well, at least the NRA allowed increased background checks...
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Re: Gun Control

Postby Magyk on Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:42 am

My state has 40.5% gun ownership, and I guarantee that number is low seeing as how my house has 2 unregistered guns in it right now. And we have the 5th lowest homicide (by gun) rate per capita in the US.

So everyone that says guns murder people can suck a dick. People murder people.

Background checks, tests to check the mental stability of gun owners, etc, are the way to go.

Not banning something that doesn't need to be banned.
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Re: Gun Control

Postby Max Rambone on Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:35 pm

Silver, I respect your opinions above.

Believe me, I'm SCARED of the fact that I might have to take the life of another human being or other creature to save my own or my loved ones, but that's life and it's FAR from being a perfect world.

In a perfect world we wouldn't even have to talk our way out of problems, but this is the REAL world and the fact is that talking doesn't always help.

In a perfect world, cops would be there simply to protect the people and NOT stomp on their necks like the shitheads in the last video I posted made me so sick I almost wanted to vomit....that guy called the cops to come help him and he was a little pissed that they took so long to get there, so they took him to the ground and nearly strangled him.

Laser wrote:Statistically, in my country if you carry a knife you're more likely to be stabbed.

It's not just guns I have a problem with, it's weapons.

Why should I walk round my own neighbourhood in fear of people with guns?

And owning a gun myself would do little to dispel that fear.

So so happy that we have decent gun control here.

I'm the LAST guy with a gun that you should fear. I'm what they call a good guy (despite what some of you may think). I make my neighborhood a safer place.

You're totally missing the fact that the bad guys are the ones you need to fear...and THEY are the ones who don't give a shit about gun control laws.

True story: Right here in my town....

Just after the Aurora shootings a guy went to the local theater and someone saw his carry pistol....someone called the cops and they stopped the movie, turned on all the lights, and the cops asked whoever had a gun to stand up and take it to their vehicle...FOUR people stood up and ALL had carry permits.

My question to you is: Would a guy about to shoot a bunch of people have stood up and relinquished his weapon?

You don't really need to answer that because if you think "no," then you get it.
If you think "yes," you're only fooling yourself.

And, by doing so, the cops left the law-abiding citizens DEFENSELESS.

Ramshi wrote:like honestly, australia hasn't had a single mass shooting since 1996.

Not accusing you of being dishonest....just uninformed.....

Gun laws are NEVER gonna work.

If somehow we could destroy EVERY single gun on the planet, people would just make their own or, at the very least, just kill people by some other means.....notably explosives...which can be MUCH more dangerous and deadly. Leaving all the good people defenseless at the same time.

I hope you guys all watched the Suzanna Gratia Hupp video I posted above, btw.

I'd like to see some comments on that.

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Re: Gun Control

Postby AmericanFool on Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:11 pm

Don't have a strong opinion one way or another, and while its good to see an intellectual discussion happening here I am not motivated to participate much in this one because I see it as a very minor issue - particularly for someone like me, living in Canadian Suburbia...

The main thing I - and hopefully all of us - take away from debates on this issue is that there is a deeper concern at stake over the political and pragmatic impacts of state lead gun-control, that being mental health. Nothing will reduce violence more - and build better community - than improving the mental and social health of our cities and homes. As Major and Guard were saying:

MajorMajor wrote:Anyway, the best way to combat these kinds of mass killings is not building better defenses or carrying more weapons. Those are just there for when we slip up and let one through. No, the battleground is making sure everyone has good mental health and that those who don't aren't walking the streets causing problems for the rest of us. (And, of course, themselves since these people aren't just homicidal but suicidal).
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