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What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:13 pm
by Wanderer
i have my reasons for asking. for anyone who has played a MMO.

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:27 pm
by Helaku
Caught my attention on several occasions, but all in all, I always ended up going back to jka.
My only mmo being WoW.

It's a really good time-killer but not fun anymore. at all. Classic rocked, BC semi-good, wotlk satisfactory, and from what I read on betas and PTR, cata will. just. suck.

Suggesting not to start if you haven't at all, and don't continue if you already have started sth.

At least, don't pay for it, like I did with retail :(

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:19 pm
by j3rk
I have too short of an attention span to enjoy MMORPGs. I like games that you can pick up and play for a bit and then drop it like it's hawt. I am curious about though, now that it's free to play. That seems to be a trend which is cool.

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:29 pm
by Wanderer
yeah i also don't quite see the fun in MMOs. i don't like 'click and wait' games. If i cannot dodge an attack it should be because i failed to react with WASD/jump/crouch on time, NOT because i didn't invest enough points/xp/money on a certain attribute. if i hit a target it should be because my crosshair is on the target, not because i clicked on a huge model hitbox boundary. in JKA you have to measure time and distance to duel well, to know when to start swinging your weapon - timing and distance, and how far away you can swing to hit -timing and distance. to lead the character and aim projectiles ahead so they run into your shots.

i just don't like MMOs for the fact that all SKILL is thrown out and victory belongs to those that spent the most time/money. time and money =/= skill, and lots of time/money and lots of 'click and wait' is all you need to win in MMOs. maybe some people do have the 'godly' accuracy in aiming skill, to own in counterstrike, maybe some do have the insane reaction time, to see attacks and dodge in time. but all that is useless in MMOs where everything is controlled by math equations. your attack power vs their HP +defense. your MP vs their armor. your speed points vs their evasion points. it goes on and on, and all it is, is a test of which basket you should put your eggs into, HP MP attack defense speed evasion power...

Helaku wrote:Suggesting not to start if you haven't at all, and don't continue if you already have started sth.

no choice for me. i am currently doing a intern program sort of thing as a 3D modeller at a company that makes MMOs. one of the demands of the boss is that i start getting interested in MMORPGs.

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:34 pm
by piipe
mmorpg s are the best games

i play lineage 2 is really funn and u cna have funn playing with ur clan and everthing :P

here s a video of lineage on mi old clan
, just check the style of game it s ... IW8-L_rTS8

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:39 pm
by Wanderer
and also the siege term dictionary. all it is, is a list that records all the funny shit that happens/has happened in the game. you just don't get any of that funny shit in a MMO. i like seej for funny shit.

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:03 pm
by Turky
Let's just say it's a good thing there's no MMORPGs out there that are as addicting as KOTOR 1/2 was for me.

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:00 pm
by j3rk
Are you rating KoTOR 1 & 2 the same with that statement? I recently bought KoTOR 1 for like $3 or something on Steam since I've never played it before. I always heard that KoTOR 2 was not that great so I wasn't planning on playing it; have I heard wrong?

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:22 pm
by Turquoise Dragon
I've played both. KOTOR2 is a bit expanded - more weapons/abilities/force/items, as well as the ability to create and disassemble basic weapons, as well as be able to make upgrades for them. However, I also felt that it wasn't as good as 1. Still good in it's own right, but not as good as my expectations after playing KOTOR1. The ending was very loose, and I feel they could've done a better job with that.

Overall, though I agree with wanderer - I'd rather be able to show some degree (or lack) of skill in my games. I'm decently smart, and I can easily figure out stat combinations that make it easy to win RPGs, so it's not quite as fun. Then agian, I'm into the Final Fantasy RPGs, so I guess I kind of contradict myself there...

Re: What is the appeal of MMORPGs?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 12:22 am
by Roflraptor
Turquoise Dragon wrote:I can easily figure out stat combinations that make it easy to win RPGs

Damn, i've heard only a few billion people can do that.