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Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:51 am
by Turquoise Dragon
I remember seeing a kyleball mod or somesuch years ago that did the same sort of thing with kyle...

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:05 am
by Duo
Darth_Wayne wrote:
Duo wrote:On a related note, CFL_SINGLE_ROCKET will soon be fixed so you can't get more rocket ammo. This will enable you to yews that classflag properly.



now change

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:29 am
by Blackout
I've finished mapping now probably forever (although I'll still update maps that are already released if needed), since I fixed siege_rail the other day, so extra mapping capabilities are a little late for me. :(

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:41 pm
by Magyk
Duo wrote:
Magyk wrote:inb4 laser commissions blackout to make a soccer map using the knockback flag and a jawa npc

Could be done with relegating knockback to only one weapon (i.e. pistol or melee), and/or even doubling/tripling knockback for that particular weapon.

Keeper - Conc rifle, uber kockback for clearing.
Fullbacks - Blobs, decent knockback for chipping. Rockets, high knockback for clearing.
Halfs - Blobs, decent knockback for chipping. e11 for thru passing.
Strikers - e-11 for passing, golan primary fire with high knockback for shooting.

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:52 pm
by Duo
I updated the code and removed dempProof. It is now replaced by more flexible code "nodmgfrom" that can prohibit damage from any combination of any number of weapons:

Code: Select all
Godmode -1
Melee 1
Stun baton 2
Saber 4
Pistol 8
E11 16
Disruptor 32
Bowcaster 64
Repeater 128
Demp 256
Golan 512
Rocket 1024
Thermal 2048
Mine 4096
Detpack 8192
Conc 16384
Dark Force 32768
Vehicle 65536
Falling 131072
Crush 262144
Trigger_hurt 524288
Other (lava, sentry, etc) 1048576
Vehicle freezing immunity 2097152

For example, to make an NPC immune to damage from melee, stun baton and pistol, add their values. 1+2+8 = 11, so you would type:
nodmgfrom 11

Per-weapon knockback code will happen soon.

Btw, would be cool to experiment with a mobile "hide the NPC" obj where defense is allowed to knockback the NPC to whatever location they want (some building in a city or something) and defend from there. Just give a 20-second anti-rush timer so they can get setup. Offense has to find and kill the NPC.

Or you could do a "rescue the NPC" obj where the NPC spawns near defense. Offense has to knockback the npc to some goal point to win.

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:18 am
by Duo
Double posting here, so check above for my previous post...

I have enabled using force on NPCs in siege. Previously, if you tried to yews push/grip/etc on a NPC, it would be ignored.

Force yews against NPCs could allow for the making of co-op siege maps, in which a team of players tries to complete a singleplayer-style mission. Could be like 4 v 0 or something. Optionally, you could have some players on defense(maybe lower number of players) that have special classes that try to stop them. Think special infected from Left 4 Dead 2.

Could also be used for pushing NPCs back and forth, like in a football/soccer-style map.

Here's how you can enable force on NPCs:

Code: Select all
Option 1: per-npc basis
Edit the .npc file and add a flag:
victimOfForce 1 = Red team can yews force powers on this NPC
victimOfForce 2 = Blue team can yews force powers on this NPC
victimOfForce 3 = Everybody can yews force powers on this NPC

Option 2: per-map basis
Edit the worldspawn of your map and add a key:
Key: forceOnNpcs
Value: 1 = Red team can yews force powers on all NPCs in this map
Value: 2 = Blue team can yews force powers on all NPCs in this map
Value: 3 = Everybody can yews force powers on all NPCs in this map
This setting overrides victimOfForce settings.

Option 3: global basis
yews rcon to enter the command:
/g_forceOnNpcs 1 = Red team can yews force powers on all NPCs
/g_forceOnNpcs 2 = Blue team can yews force powers on all NPCs
/g_forceOnNpcs 3 = Everybody can yews force powers on all NPCs
This setting is automatically reset to 0 for all maps that don't specify forceOnNpcs in worldspawn.

I can look into more options for co-op mode, like permadeath, limited respawns, better AI, etc. if there is interest...

As always, full up-to-date documentation of base_entranced is available at

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:38 am
by Duo
Triple posting here.

Mapmakers can now specify a desired g_siegerespawn and a desired g_siegeteamswitch. Add to worldspawn:

Code: Select all
Key: "siegeRespawn"
Value: # (defaults to 20)

Key: "siegeTeamSwitch"
Value: # (defaults to 1)

These will force the server to execute /g_siegerespawn or /g_siegeteamswitch. All maps will default to JK3 default settings if not otherwise specified in worldspawn.

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:20 am
by Duo
Quad post. New commands:

noKnockbackFrom # = This NPC is immune to knockback from these weapons
doubleKnockbackFrom # = This NPC receives 2x knockback from these weapons
tripleKnockbackFrom # = This NPC receives 3x knockback from these weapons
quadKnockbackFrom # = This NPC receives 4x knockback from these weapons

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:26 pm
by Turquoise Dragon
ooooh, fun. The stuff we can do with these

Re: Extra mapping capabilities with base_entranced

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:50 am
by Duo
idealclass was fixed recently in mod to support multiple idealclasses.

Radiant tells you that you can write "idealclass Rebel reborn boss|Rebel jan|Rebel Commando" etc but it's broken and the code doesn't actually work. I fixed it, and you can yews multiple ideal classes now.

This is for spawnpoints and triggers only. If there is interest, future enhancements could include idealclass support for other entities (siege items, breakables, item pickups, emplaced guns, etc)

EDIT: This was reverted for now. It seems to have introduced a bug...

EDIT2: This thread will no longer be kept updated; read the readme on github for more information about extra mapping capabilities.