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Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:01 am
MajorMajor should have run for president

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:07 am
by alpha
damn son


Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:08 am
Your memes are about to get banned: ... -ban-memes

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:37 am
by Magyk
Every time you post a meme the wall gets ten feet higher.

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:24 pm
by MajorMajor
@Caesar: Its really splitting hairs to say he's not bragging about having groped women when he stated he could grab them by the p***y. Its not past tense but it certainly suggests that he has taken advantage of his celebrity to do so in the past. That video is from 2005 not 1980. Its also the same one where he brags about hitting on a married woman.

One of the points I'd like to make is this isn't appropriate even as locker room talk because it supports sexual snowtrooper, a felony, and is therefore inexcusable. It isn't the same as just saying 'Hey, she looks hot'.

It is also horrible that the party of values would support someone who was attempting infidelity. It was a few month after he married Melania. Not that I believed the Republicans about them being the party of values but it certainly proves their hypocrisy.

Anyhow, the election is over and Donald Trump is going to be our next President. I'm not writing this because I'm freaking out over President Trump. I'm writing this because I think certain people need to be reminded of the specifics and facts and that there are some things that are hard if not impossible to downplay. The outcome of this election disappoints me but it doesn't scare me. I see a lot of people absolutely freaking out about it. I suppose one of the reasons it doesn't bother me is because I fall into the category of a male WASP who is solidly middle class. Which means I pretty much don't have to worry about racism, sexism, or other people's economic problems if I don't want to. President Trump can deport whoever he wants, wreck the economy, or do who knows what else and the odds still favor me coming out on top. That is very self serving but its the truth.

I do want to note that President Trump is the second President in recent memory to be elected without the popular vote. If this keeps happening I think it may mean the system is broken. The founders intended the electoral college as a stop gap measure because they didn't fully trust the populace would vote for good candidates and that a Tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power in a direct election. It was also to balance the power between the large and small states because they didn't trust each other back then. They didn't expect this kind of thing to happen often. The fact that it has now happened twice so close together could be a sign of a problem.

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:27 am
by Magyk
The popular vote losing twice now could be a sign of a problem, or a sign of success.

If I ever wind up in a world where California, New York, Florida and (to a lesser extent) Texas decide every major election I'll literally be out the door in ten seconds.

(Well, maybe not ten seconds because other countries actually have and enforce their immigration laws lol)

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:02 am
by Darth_Wayne
Magyk wrote:The popular vote losing twice now could be a sign of a problem, or a sign of success.

If I ever wind up in a world where California, New York, Florida and (to a lesser extent) Texas decide every major election I'll literally be out the door in ten seconds.

(Well, maybe not ten seconds because other countries actually have and enforce their immigration laws lol)

Instead you get to live in a world where Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida decide every major election!

I found this map pretty remarkable, it's a great illustration of how flawed the current system is.

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:16 pm
by Caesar
If Cali and NY weren't so damned democratic, more than just 3 states would determine the election. Cali and NY are always blue. They might as well not even vote, just give the democratic candidate their electorals and move on. It is like playing rock-paper-scissors with someone who always calls paper.

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:52 pm
by Magyk
The electoral college is flawed but anyone that thinks popular vote is the solution is a complete idiot.

Re: 2 More Cents

PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:24 pm
by Darth_Wayne
Magyk wrote:The electoral college is flawed but anyone that thinks popular vote is the solution is a complete idiot.

What? You're honestly approaching Caesar levels of stupidity here.