Download: siege_theed1a

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Re: Download: siege_theed1a

Postby lorax on Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:06 pm

I got a few pugs to play Theed a while back, but I guess I never relayed suggestions people had:
*1st Obj*
- alt route is kinda far from the main making it very difficult to cover in a small pug
- a couple of the func_breakables are a little high imo, you take damage if you try to mine spam them (which you kinda earned if you made it up as a demo :P )
*2nd Obj*
I'd say this is one of the best objectives in the map, only thing really debatable is d spawn location being basically on top of the obj. Might want to spread locks out and/or move the d spawn on top of the wall and expand the room/hall up there.
This is honestly one of the weaker objectives imo.
- I like the fact that the offense has access to the codes, but I think a lot of the power that hoth's codes had was it was straightforward yet not easily rush-able because the codes were in a location about equally far from both teams. Not sure how to fix besides maybe moving codes location :/
- The delivery point is basically the ultimate midget door. Only one route in through a small door (twice in a row kinda). You might consider increasing the size/depth of the room and adding another entrance (such as a balcony door that goes down stairs and meets up in same area).
*4th/This is an objective?*
- Most obvious flaw is rushability. Unless timed awfully or you die getting 3rd, it's almost impossible to not convert this after the third because the d spawns behind the offense that got 3 on their way to 4. Easy fix is to change d spawn and/or make corridor longer/windier.
*5th/copy of first*
- Although very similar to obj 1, it has basically the opposite problem. The alt route is nearly on top of (or below rather :D ) the main one. Also the distance from the d spawn and length of hack makes it pretty fkn hard to do as a jan that's alt-routing past people that haven't played it before :D. This could be a nice place to try some mapping magic and implementing a multi-hack. Have multiple hacks that enable the next one in line (each advancing a shader or some visual acknowledgment of progress).
Otherwise just tweak the location/length of hack until a good mix is achieved.
- I guess this is just me OCDing with the lore side of things (but also kinda gameplayie). I think it would work better if the locks were further apart because gameplay-wise it's a little cramped, and lore-wise what engineer puts all of the locks right in a row where somebody can take them all out :P
- Another solid objective from a design pov imo.
- Possibly kinda small/spammable
- As has been said before, the railings are about 1 in. too high to jump over (that is if you aren't a ninja with column bases) (not sure if you said it was intended).

I was actually going to put this in your "Should I keep being a BAMF?" thread, but I thought it prolly belonged here more.
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Re: Download: siege_theed1a

Postby j3rk on Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:30 pm

All very solid points. Theed is being reworked, almost from scratch. I'll take all of these ideas and Duo's finidings to heart. Thanks man. A lot.
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Re: Download: siege_theed1a

Postby Me Returns on Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:05 pm

Bravo :mrgreen:
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Re: Download: siege_theed1a

Postby Turky on Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:32 pm

thx for input tenrax, theed needed much improvement... esp that codes obj.
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