Let us not forget

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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Max Rambone on Tue Sep 15, 2009 3:19 pm

Well said, Guard.

My mother was actually a few blocks away from the WTC on 9/11, but I didn't lose anyone I knew.

Eventus stultorum magister.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Duo on Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:14 pm

GUARD!AN wrote:Jeez guys, you can feel sad for anyone dying. I get that you don't like it that a lot of people make a big deal out of 9/11 and impose on everyone to remember it and honor it, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it is a sad event...Americans or not, many INNOCENT people lost their lives and families.

Yes, it is indeed a sad event. Sad enough for people to talk about it nonstop on every anniversary of it, saying how we should honor it, always remember it, etc etc. But you don't see many people sad about the 93,000+ civilians killed since we invaded Iraq. The reason for this is the same reason why we kill and torture other people in the first place, and exactly the same reason why we don't punish our own citizens for war crimes.

Yes, people die everyday, but can't we at least feel bad for some of them? Feeling bad for 9/11 doesn't imply that we feel American lives are worth more

You're absolutely right. Feeling bad for 9/11 doesn't necessarily imply that we feel American lives are worth more. It doesn't for me or you. But for most people, such as Magyk, it does.

Magyk wrote:We "torture" people to protect our nation from outside threats.
Torture doesn't seem so bad to me.

Translation: It's okay for us to kill and torture other people if we think we can potentially benefit from it.
Those who attacked us on 9\11 did it basically because they wanted to kill Americans.

Translation: It's not okay for other people to kill and torture us if they think they can potentially benefit from it.

You can draw an obvious conclusion from the above two quotes.

I personally didn't lose anyone in the 9/11/01 attacks, but I do feel it can be a day to be honored,

Let it be honored by the people who did. If someone posts a little thread like this, take a few seconds to say something, but move on. I only posted more than a few words because I instantly detected an aura of the retarded attitude I talked about above when I read some of the posts here.

Unless I personally know the person in question, the country of origin of a person being killed does not alter how tragic it is that someone murdered them. I'm friends with LOTS of international students from random ass countries all over the world, and let me tell you, they are the same as us, they are people. I really don't see how someone can be more upset over an innocent person from their own country getting killed than an innocent person from another country getting killed, unless it's because the sheer proximity of the incident causes them to fear for their own survival.

I personally greatly appreciate all this country stands for

I think you're a smart dude, Guard, but I think if you took a second to step back and think about everything included in what you just said, you would take it back. This country stands for a lot of fucked up shit. Just because we don't want it to doesn't mean that it doesn't.

and the foundations of it that mean we DON'T have to personally see the kinds of horrors in Duo's pics on a regular basis.

We don't personally see horrors like My Lai on a regular basis. But they do happen on a regular basis. The difference is that most of it is never photographed in as great detail as at My Lai. I'm sure I don't even need to mention from whence the following photos came from:

Even if the US was the cause of those pictures, no country has a perfect history, but I do feel that by starting to form compassion from within, that we can evolve to bringing it to the rest of the world.

It would be nice if we could start being compassionate, but as long as there are people like Magyk who are like "l o l they r difrint, there4 iz ok 2 kill em lolz doan doan, we r moar worthy 2 live" nothing like that will ever happen. And the sad fact is: most people are indeed like Magyk in that regard.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Turky on Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:38 am

As for me, I used the phrase "my continued sympathies" for a rather distinct reason: I, too, have lost multiple people to the terrible thing we call death. And there was nothing that could have stopped those deaths from happening. Hence, I simply can sympathize for what so many people lost, so quickly, all at once that day.

Every culture is different based on the circumstances presented to them. Over in Israel, people call each other several times a day. Why? So they know their friends and family are still alive. I'm not denying that losses like this don't happen as frequently as they do, I'm simply saying that for the USA's standards, and perhaps even for many in Europe and Australia (comprising a majority of the visitors of this forum), 9/11 was not something to take lightly.

On a less serious note:

Kerafym wrote: you're either xenophobic of prejudice
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Kerafym on Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:03 am

I meant or, you faggot.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby dadeus on Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:00 am

Wow duo argues like xar used to on a thread about the existance of God. On the other hand his numbers about civilian deaths are scewed. Let's start with the fact that the insurgents all claim to be civilians. Finally this..tell the families that lost fathers, mothers, sons and daughters we make to much of 9/11. Look in the eyes of a firefighter or police officer who lost a partner that day that we make to much of it. Finally look in the mirror and ask urself why u are such a hater. We talk so much about how jka is a game and the role of badass is just ur take and not a reflection of who you r in real life. But when the same guys that makes the game difficult for others to play take such a hateful stance on the issue of 9/11 then I have to wonder why such anger, why such hate.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Magyk on Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:28 pm

Pretty sure I said a dozen times that any act of terrorist on any country was atrocious, and all lives lost in a similar event should be honored.
Pretty sure I never once said American lives were worth more than any others.
Pretty sure you should back up your bullshit, and stop being a brainchild of Keith Olbermann - seriously, spouting off random things and not backing them up is his gig. Get your own.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Kerafym on Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:35 pm

Magyk wrote:Pretty sure I said a dozen times that any act of terrorist on any country was atrocious, and all lives lost in a similar event should be honored.
Pretty sure I never once said American lives were worth more than any others.
Pretty sure you should back up your bullshit, and stop being a brainchild of Keith Olbermann - seriously, spouting off random things and not backing them up is his gig. Get your own.

Right. Any attack upon an American citizen is atrocious. But attacks by Americans upon other countries' citizens isn't worth noting or bating an eyelash at.

Also, Dadeus, that's a fucking BRILLIANT point. I'm sure all of the citizens in Hiroshima were all military personnel. Oh, wait, there was practically NO MILITARY ACTIVITY in Hiroshima. We nuked it just 'cuz.

Also, looking into the eyes of a biased party isn't a good plan to formulate opinions on things because, well, they're biased. If you're trying to insinuate that I lack compassion for people, you're mistaken. I just don't recognize one day out of the year because the atrocities committed on it happened a couple hundred miles away instead of across the world. It makes me equally sad and ashamed to be a human being because, in the "greatest country of all time," with all this brilliant technology at our disposal, we still can't put out hate away for five minutes.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Darth_Wayne on Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:06 pm

dadeus wrote:Finally this..tell the families that lost fathers, mothers, sons and daughters we make to much of 9/11. Look in the eyes of a firefighter or police officer who lost a partner that day that we make to much of it. Finally look in the mirror and ask urself why u are such a hater. We talk so much about how jka is a game and the role of badass is just ur take and not a reflection of who you r in real life. But when the same guys that makes the game difficult for others to play take such a hateful stance on the issue of 9/11 then I have to wonder why such anger, why such hate.

Translation: I have nothing factual to say, so I am going to try to guilt you into submission.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Turky on Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:12 pm

it's true that Japan was preparing to train Japanese civilians to defend themselves, back in WWII when they began losing their Pacific holdings and the possibility of a mainland invasion was imminent.
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Re: Let us not forget

Postby Kain on Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:17 pm

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