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Re: Girl help

Postby Magyk on Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:28 pm

My favorite thing is how women expect to be treated as equals, but then still pull out all kinds of bullshit traditional things like men picking up the check. Or anytime you have to move furniture (like a sofa or something,) guess who they go to for help?* Make up your fucking mind.

*Sometimes asking for help might be necessary, but seriously, if you can't lift a sofa and you're 15 or older you need to start working out.
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Re: Girl help

Postby Darth_Wayne on Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:57 pm

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Re: Girl help

Postby Ranger Bob on Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:14 am

Magyk wrote:Y'all need to relax. I seriously doubt Bunny has gone through her entire life without making a "lololol men can't/don't/won't follow directions" joke or, "why do men like smart women" (spoiler alert: "because opposites attract.")

Drop the holier than thou act and take a joke, przkthx.

Maybe the women around you are the kind to make those kind of jokes? Because I certainly haven't come into contact with them.

MajorMajor wrote:Er... Bob's a girl? :shock:

I really don't know anyone anymore. Who are you people?! ;)

Sorry about the confusion, but yes. My forum name doesn't match up with my ingame name :)

SpaceJam wrote:Oh please, opression my ass. This is why women arent taken seriously. Why dont you watch the news sometime so you can see what real oppression against women looks like, particularly in those middle eastern and islamic countries, instead of whining and acting like the feminazi dumb bitch stereotype.

It ticks me off a little when people start blowing things out of proportion so they can victimize themselves.

And that kind of attitude ensures that women will never achieve equality. Why? Because in your words, they aren't taken seriously. If people continue to only look at 'real oppression' in non-western societies, the 'minor' things are going to get overlooked. Misogynistic jokes, street harassment, sexual harassment, rape culture, casual sexism, equal pay, equal opportunities - if western countries can't get it right in the first place, what is the point in going around pointing fingers at middle eastern and Islamic countries?

Women are not taken seriously - and that is oppression. The moment they attempt to voice an opinion, they are shot down - just as you have done to me. Saying 'ahahah bitch feminazi shut up look at real oppression' is bullshit, you are contributing to oppression just by voicing that. Women have a small enough voice already, and when we speak out against oppression we don't need men to regulate that voice by telling us to shut the fuck up already.

Lastly, I am not victimising myself. I'm speaking for women who have been victimised by your tasteless jokes.

Magyk wrote:My favorite thing is how women expect to be treated as equals, but then still pull out all kinds of bullshit traditional things like men picking up the check. Or anytime you have to move furniture (like a sofa or something,) guess who they go to for help?* Make up your fucking mind.

*Sometimes asking for help might be necessary, but seriously, if you can't lift a sofa and you're 15 or older you need to start working out.

Unfortunately, that is a habit that has been ingrained into society since chivalry was still a thing. It has a name, too: benevolent sexism. It's that much of an insidious thing that not a lot of people realise it is damaging, not even women. I don't advocate for it. But seriously, are we comparing 'ladies first' to dehumanising and objectifying women to the point where they're seen as nothing but two boobs and a hole? Are we comparing chivalry with women as only objects for male pleasure? are generally stronger and more athletic than women. There are exceptions, of course, but it's a physiological thing. Why do you think men's times in the Olympics compared to women's times are always much faster? There's nothing women can do about that.

PS: I'm 161 cm. I'm older than 15 and I'd ask for help when lifting a sofa.
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Re: Girl help

Postby Magyk on Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:07 am

Ranger Bob wrote:PS: I'm 161 cm. I'm older than 15 and I'd ask for help when lifting a sofa.

You don't need halp.
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Re: Girl help

Postby Kain on Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:25 pm

Fuck the term "Rape Culture"
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Re: Girl help

Postby SpaceJam on Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:55 am

Ranger Bob wrote:
SpaceJam wrote:Oh please, opression my ass. This is why women arent taken seriously. Why dont you watch the news sometime so you can see what real oppression against women looks like, particularly in those middle eastern and islamic countries, instead of whining and acting like the feminazi dumb bitch stereotype.

It ticks me off a little when people start blowing things out of proportion so they can victimize themselves.

And that kind of attitude ensures that women will never achieve equality. Why? Because in your words, they aren't taken seriously. If people continue to only look at 'real oppression' in non-western societies, the 'minor' things are going to get overlooked. Misogynistic jokes, street harassment, sexual harassment, rape culture, casual sexism, equal pay, equal opportunities - if western countries can't get it right in the first place, what is the point in going around pointing fingers at middle eastern and Islamic countries?

Women are not taken seriously - and that is oppression. The moment they attempt to voice an opinion, they are shot down - just as you have done to me. Saying 'ahahah bitch feminazi shut up look at real oppression' is bullshit, you are contributing to oppression just by voicing that. Women have a small enough voice already, and when we speak out against oppression we don't need men to regulate that voice by telling us to shut the fuck up already.

Lastly, I am not victimising myself. I'm speaking for women who have been victimised by your tasteless jokes.

i'll attempt to spell it out one more time for you.

because someone says dumb things (like comparing harmless jokes to "oppression") that is why he/she isn't taken seriously. in this case, it is women like you, and largely women everywhere who blindly just start claimng they are being oppressed, without any consideration to the implications or meaning of what they are saying. people don't dismiss them because they are athletically inferior, and mentally inferior, and overall inferior. people dismiss them when they make outrageous claims or comparisons like the one you just made.

to help further explain this to you, i direct you to a few of the definitions of oppression from

1. the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner.
2. an act or instance of oppressing.
3. the state of being oppressed.
4. the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions, anxiety, etc.

i hope i don't need to dig deeper and go into the definitons of burdensome, cruel, unjust, adverse conditions, etc to you. because it should be obvious that harmless jokes about women do not fit any of those words. when i make a joke about star wars fans, am i oppressing them? if i make a joke about obama, am i oppressing obama? i understand that by joking about something you are exercising a pecking order so to speak, but that is not using authority to cause distress. if you or other women are distressed by such jokes, then you should probably be seeing a therapist. saying things in jest is not the same as oppressing someone.

by calling our jokes "oppression" you sound like an ignorant bimbo.

now to address the rest of seem to be under the impression that whenever a women speaks, no one listens..that whenever they try and voice their opinion, no one hears it (or if they do, don't take it seriously). this is an opinion of yours, that is just plain wrong. whether you are a man or woman, if you say something stupid or untrue, people are either going to ignore you, or call you out on it. there are plenty of women in business and politics who have found ways to get their voices and opinions heard. why? because they have learned to think before they speak like any other intelligent person (except sarah palin). if western countries were like you think they are, they wouldn't have positions in politics, no one would vote for them and then no one would listen to their policies. they wouldn't lead companies, no one would work for them, and the companies they run wouldn't be taken seriously.

please stop believing everything you hear in some introduction to women's studies course in college taught by some feminazi. there is no war on women. we dont care enough to keep explaining things to you. women and black people are just fucking stuck in the past, thinking we are all still out to oppress them.

the only people i would argue who can say they are being oppressed in western nations are muslim/middle eastern people (who i am under the impression still get profiled and whatnot for their turbans or whatever), gay people (are we seriously still giving a fuck if they get married or not?), and 12 year olds who dare speak their uncracked voice while on XBOX live.
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Re: Girl help

Postby Ranger Bob on Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:10 am

Kain wrote:Fuck the term "Rape Culture"

So you don't believe in it?

SpaceJam wrote:i'll attempt to spell it out one more time for you.

SpaceJam wrote:to help further explain this to you, i direct you to a few of the definitions of oppression from

First of all, infantilisation is really the way to go when you want to prove a point. Right.

SpaceJam wrote:because someone says dumb things (like comparing harmless jokes to "oppression") that is why he/she isn't taken seriously. in this case, it is women like you, and largely women everywhere who blindly just start claimng they are being oppressed, without any consideration to the implications or meaning of what they are saying. people don't dismiss them because they are athletically inferior, and mentally inferior, and overall inferior. people dismiss them when they make outrageous claims or comparisons like the one you just made.

The thing is, I would have been willing to let your comment about hookers slide if you hadn't followed it up with a list of blatantly woman-hating 'harmless' jokes. Because joking about giving a woman two black eyes is 'harmless'.

And this is the main point we're disagreeing on? Because you have white male privilege, you cannot see just how harming your 'jokes' are to people on the other side of the continuum. You might not think it, but you are putting down all women when you joke about stuff like this.

And now ask yourself why you felt inclined to make sexist jokes about: beating women, raping women, housewives, women's stupidity? Because you are in a society that finds it acceptable to do so, and you are contributing to that way of thinking.

SpaceJam wrote:i hope i don't need to dig deeper and go into the definitons of burdensome, cruel, unjust, adverse conditions, etc to you. because it should be obvious that harmless jokes about women do not fit any of those words. when i make a joke about star wars fans, am i oppressing them? if i make a joke about obama, am i oppressing obama? i understand that by joking about something you are exercising a pecking order so to speak, but that is not using authority to cause distress. if you or other women are distressed by such jokes, then you should probably be seeing a therapist. saying things in jest is not the same as oppressing someone.

I don't know about you, but I certainly find those 'harmless jokes' cruel and unjust. I mean. I really wouldn't want to: become a slave to a man, be beaten up for not doing what a man says to do, be raped, be forced to amount to nothing but a housewife, or be ridiculed for my intelligence.

Your claims about oppressing Star Wars fans and Obama are entirely baseless. Are you seriously trying to compare that with women's long history of suffrage, oppression, and rights campaigns? Star Wars fans do not have a history of being oppressed. I'm asking you to look at a very real issue here.

Eh. I should go and seek a therapist because I am distressed about 'jokes' about beating and raping women? Saying something like that in jest doesn't make it less offensive. I don't think the CIA would take a jest about blowing up the White House in the humour that it was intended to.

SpaceJam wrote:by calling our jokes "oppression" you sound like an ignorant bimbo.

And you wonder why there are women still campaigning for equality? Because men like you are trying to silence their voices by ridiculing them as being over-dramatic.

SpaceJam wrote:now to address the rest of seem to be under the impression that whenever a women speaks, no one listens..that whenever they try and voice their opinion, no one hears it (or if they do, don't take it seriously). this is an opinion of yours, that is just plain wrong. whether you are a man or woman, if you say something stupid or untrue, people are either going to ignore you, or call you out on it. there are plenty of women in business and politics who have found ways to get their voices and opinions heard. why? because they have learned to think before they speak like any other intelligent person (except sarah palin). if western countries were like you think they are, they wouldn't have positions in politics, no one would vote for them and then no one would listen to their policies. they wouldn't lead companies, no one would work for them, and the companies they run wouldn't be taken seriously.

Okay. I've learned that intelligent, high achieving women can get their voices and opinions heard. So what? Are we going to look at these women as a pinnacle of achievement and forget about the other, ordinary people?

Also, you are generalising my statement way too much. I am saying specifically that YOU have glossed over my calling you out as being sexist, and YOU have dismissed everything I have said as over-dramatic or stupid or ignorant. And by doing that, YOU have contributed to the casual every day oppression of women.

You're taking my statement and running away with it. I never said that women could not be listened to.

SpaceJam wrote:please stop believing everything you hear in some introduction to women's studies course in college taught by some feminazi. there is no war on women. we dont care enough to keep explaining things to you. women and black people are just fucking stuck in the past, thinking we are all still out to oppress them.

Please don't try and make me appear stupid. I have not taken any 'introduction to a women's studies course in college taught by some feminazi'. My views are based on my moral and ethical values. Please stop thinking that if any time a woman dares contradict you that she is either a feminazi or being ridiculously radical.

Thank you for telling me that I am stuck in the past. Obviously I am too stupid to understand you, oh wise white man. Obviously I don't face casual sexism every day, or rape jokes, or kitchen jokes. Obviously I have equal opportunities and equal pay to men.

SpaceJam wrote:the only people i would argue who can say they are being oppressed in western nations are muslim/middle eastern people (who i am under the impression still get profiled and whatnot for their turbans or whatever), gay people (are we seriously still giving a fuck if they get married or not?), and 12 year olds who dare speak their uncracked voice while on XBOX live.

Are you kidding me? Have you forgotten people of colour: negative stereotype view about them. More likely to be arrested with police discretion. Under represented in media and entertainment. But wait, no, of course. Because they're just stuck in the past and just imagining oppression.

And while we're here, why don't we look at women? Negative stereotype about their intelligence. Ongoing joke about how their only usefulness is in bed or in the kitchen. Objectification in the media. A long history of not having any rights. A long history for campaigning FOR those rights, of which many have still not happened. A culture that places blame on them for being raped. A society where a candidate for presidency in the leading western nation wants to abolish birth control - including situations with pregnancy resulting from rape. A society where street harassment is acceptable and should be considered a 'compliment'. A society where some people believe that this oppression doesn't happen. A society where a woman who dares contradict this assertion is ridiculed and called ignorant. And much more.

Do you seriously think that oppression of women doesn't exist? Can you even say that it doesn't given the history in which women have had next to no rights at all?
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Re: Girl help

Postby SpaceJam on Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:07 am

EDIT: after addressing everything, I came to the realization that this just comes down to ranger not knowing the meaning of the word oppression and using it blindly, especially after reading her comment about how being underrepresented in media she counts as oppression. honey, i can't be your 3rd grade teacher. if you still don't understand the meaning of the word oppression by now, then hopefully you find a man one day who will teach you

before i address everything here is my primary point.

woman are treated equally. if they say dumb things, they will be treated just like a man who says dumb things. you seem to be imagining a world where everyone listens to and respects the majority of all that common women have to say. the truth is, the majority of men and the majority of women are inexplainably dumb. you are viewing this as one-sided towards women, and whats worse is that you cannot differentiate the actual oppression of women 50 years ago with the equal treatment of women today. the reason people do not take women who are still "campaigning for equality" seriously, is because at this point their demands are asking to tip the favor towards women. when you say things like "men contribute to a society where it's ok to demean women" and expect no one to "demean" women with what really are harmless jokes, then thats stepping into territory where you are expecting better treatment. men demean other men all the time, thats human nature. when you fought for equal treatment, you get up to the point where you are at where how men treat other men, no more. that is why you sound ludicrous when you say you are still being oppressed by men. we are treating you equal to how we treat men, but equality does not equate to playing nice. if you wanted us to play nice with you then you should have burned your bras for that demand instead of equality.

Ranger Bob wrote:
SpaceJam wrote:because someone says dumb things (like comparing harmless jokes to "oppression") that is why he/she isn't taken seriously. in this case, it is women like you, and largely women everywhere who blindly just start claimng they are being oppressed, without any consideration to the implications or meaning of what they are saying. people don't dismiss them because they are athletically inferior, and mentally inferior, and overall inferior. people dismiss them when they make outrageous claims or comparisons like the one you just made.

The thing is, I would have been willing to let your comment about hookers slide if you hadn't followed it up with a list of blatantly woman-hating 'harmless' jokes. Because joking about giving a woman two black eyes is 'harmless'.

And this is the main point we're disagreeing on? Because you have white male privilege, you cannot see just how harming your 'jokes' are to people on the other side of the continuum. You might not think it, but you are putting down all women when you joke about stuff like this.

And now ask yourself why you felt inclined to make sexist jokes about: beating women, raping women, housewives, women's stupidity? Because you are in a society that finds it acceptable to do so, and you are contributing to that way of thinking.

first of all, i am black, so let's end all of your assumptions there about "white man privilege" or any other buzzwords you have picked up and decided you liked the sound of.

the reason it is acceptable to make fun of women is because it is acceptable to generally make fun of anyone in western society, and this goes back to women thinking they deserve some special exception cause they can't take a dose of their own medecine. just because you don't find a joke funny doesn't mean it's actually not funny or that the joke is not appropriate.

Ranger Bob wrote:
SpaceJam wrote:i hope i don't need to dig deeper and go into the definitons of burdensome, cruel, unjust, adverse conditions, etc to you. because it should be obvious that harmless jokes about women do not fit any of those words. when i make a joke about star wars fans, am i oppressing them? if i make a joke about obama, am i oppressing obama? i understand that by joking about something you are exercising a pecking order so to speak, but that is not using authority to cause distress. if you or other women are distressed by such jokes, then you should probably be seeing a therapist. saying things in jest is not the same as oppressing someone.

I don't know about you, but I certainly find those 'harmless jokes' cruel and unjust. I mean. I really wouldn't want to: become a slave to a man, be beaten up for not doing what a man says to do, be raped, be forced to amount to nothing but a housewife, or be ridiculed for my intelligence.

as i have alluded to before, there are only a subset of "overdramatic" women who find these jokes cruel and unjust. they are stuck in the past thinking that there is no equality. these are the ones that think women still get paid less for the same jobs and performance. the ones that think the civil rights movement for women is still yet to be won. i know most of these women have nothing better to do than try and make gal pals and feel united over some cause that doesn't exist, but they wind up deceiving normal and well-intentioned women into thinking there is injustice where there isn't. things are equal, we treat you the same way we treat other men, with all the niceties and horrors that come with it.

Ranger Bob wrote:Your claims about oppressing Star Wars fans and Obama are entirely baseless. Are you seriously trying to compare that with women's long history of suffrage, oppression, and rights campaigns? Star Wars fans do not have a history of being oppressed. I'm asking you to look at a very real issue here.

Eh. I should go and seek a therapist because I am distressed about 'jokes' about beating and raping women? Saying something like that in jest doesn't make it less offensive. I don't think the CIA would take a jest about blowing up the White House in the humour that it was intended to.

you do realize your only argument here is "because women have a history of being oppressed". that doesn't mean they still are, and thats why making a joke about star wars fans is equal in oppression to making a joke about women. again, you are stuck in the past. clearly some man told you to make him a sandwich one day and you got agitated. stop making generalizations about women everywhere and go find a better man to make a sandwich for.

Ranger Bob wrote:
SpaceJam wrote:by calling our jokes "oppression" you sound like an ignorant bimbo.

And you wonder why there are women still campaigning for equality? Because men like you are trying to silence their voices by ridiculing them as being over-dramatic.

again, there is only a subset of women doing this. most women realize that things are pretty much equal now as evidenced by any of them who decide not to say dumb things being able to lead companies and hold political office. we are not silencing women, we are just silencing the dumb ones who are stuck in the past thinking that oppression still exists. i am not denying that women have historically been oppressed. i am saying that because things are wildly different now and things have changed, the idea of women campaigning for equality is as ludicrous as a fat kid bitching about the 5 layer cake he ordered only having 5 layers.

Ranger Bob wrote:
SpaceJam wrote:now to address the rest of seem to be under the impression that whenever a women speaks, no one listens..that whenever they try and voice their opinion, no one hears it (or if they do, don't take it seriously). this is an opinion of yours, that is just plain wrong. whether you are a man or woman, if you say something stupid or untrue, people are either going to ignore you, or call you out on it. there are plenty of women in business and politics who have found ways to get their voices and opinions heard. why? because they have learned to think before they speak like any other intelligent person (except sarah palin). if western countries were like you think they are, they wouldn't have positions in politics, no one would vote for them and then no one would listen to their policies. they wouldn't lead companies, no one would work for them, and the companies they run wouldn't be taken seriously.

Okay. I've learned that intelligent, high achieving women can get their voices and opinions heard. So what? Are we going to look at these women as a pinnacle of achievement and forget about the other, ordinary people?

Also, you are generalising my statement way too much. I am saying specifically that YOU have glossed over my calling you out as being sexist, and YOU have dismissed everything I have said as over-dramatic or stupid or ignorant. And by doing that, YOU have contributed to the casual every day oppression of women.

see my original paragraph at the top. also, you need to decide if you are generalizing about society or talking about me, because i am having trouble keeping up with your girl logic. especially that last sentence, after you tell me i am generalizing then say i contribute to the casual every day oppression of womEn

Ranger Bob wrote:You're taking my statement and running away with it. I never said that women could not be listened to.

SpaceJam wrote:please stop believing everything you hear in some introduction to women's studies course in college taught by some feminazi. there is no war on women. we dont care enough to keep explaining things to you. women and black people are just fucking stuck in the past, thinking we are all still out to oppress them.

Please don't try and make me appear stupid. I have not taken any 'introduction to a women's studies course in college taught by some feminazi'. My views are based on my moral and ethical values. Please stop thinking that if any time a woman dares contradict you that she is either a feminazi or being ridiculously radical.

you are generalizing that i think every woman who contradicts me i think is dumb or overdramatic. as i've said time and time again, if you say dumb things, whether you are a man or woman, you will be treated like a ditz accordingly. if you were a man telling me this, i would think of you the same way. and that is yet another example of equality. you and your feminazis should have demanded something other than equality if you weren't smart enough to realize what equality meant.

Ranger Bob wrote:Thank you for telling me that I am stuck in the past. Obviously I am too stupid to understand you, oh wise white man. Obviously I don't face casual sexism every day, or rape jokes, or kitchen jokes. Obviously I have equal opportunities and equal pay to men.

so you are making conclusions about women in all of western society based on a few of your personal experiences with a few assholes. though knowing you, since you thought my harmless jokes before were oppressive, you probably thought regular guys who have no ill will towards women were sexist. by the way not sure if i mentioned it earlier but joking about the CIA or whatever is irrelevent for the same reasons.

Ranger Bob wrote:
SpaceJam wrote:the only people i would argue who can say they are being oppressed in western nations are muslim/middle eastern people (who i am under the impression still get profiled and whatnot for their turbans or whatever), gay people (are we seriously still giving a fuck if they get married or not?), and 12 year olds who dare speak their uncracked voice while on XBOX live.

Are you kidding me? Have you forgotten people of colour: negative stereotype view about them. More likely to be arrested with police discretion. Under represented in media and entertainment. But wait, no, of course. Because they're just stuck in the past and just imagining oppression.

pretty sure i did mention muslim/islamic people (who count as people of color by the way, silly racist). also, being underrepresented in media and entertainment is not oppression either LOL. god i dont know how to teach you the meaning of a word, i might have to call up your 3rd grade teacher some time.

Ranger Bob wrote:And while we're here, why don't we look at women? Negative stereotype about their intelligence. Ongoing joke about how their only usefulness is in bed or in the kitchen. Objectification in the media. A long history of not having any rights. A long history for campaigning FOR those rights, of which many have still not happened. A culture that places blame on them for being raped. A society where a candidate for presidency in the leading western nation wants to abolish birth control - including situations with pregnancy resulting from rape. A society where street harassment is acceptable and should be considered a 'compliment'. A society where some people believe that this oppression doesn't happen. A society where a woman who dares contradict this assertion is ridiculed and called ignorant. And much more.

Do you seriously think that oppression of women doesn't exist? Can you even say that it doesn't given the history in which women have had next to no rights at all?

again, all you are doing is citing history. women are not oppressed by any logical definition of the word. they may be the butt of a lot of jokes, but that's about it.
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Re: Girl help

Postby Magyk on Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:43 am

Colored people have more rights than everyone else because they're eligible for the NAACP awards AND other awards shows. Seriously, where the fuck are the "White People Only Awards" (WPOA)

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Re: Girl help

Postby Axiw on Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:21 am

wtf is "JKA siege"?
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