ramblings of adderall

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ramblings of adderall

Postby waflz on Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:35 am

So, Since I've saved a bit of money for a next gen console, and I also got a slight windfall thanks to the taxes I paid in...

I'm going to get the xbox 1 titanfall bundle on the 11th when it comes out.

Anyone else have an xb1? Or planning on getting titanfall on it?

I have a couple friends from work who play, just curious if any of you guys do. PC gaming has just been getting so stale, and with the league of legends servers being near-unplayable for the last 3 weeks, I've even resorted to re-subbing my WoW subscription - mostly to play with my fiancee.

Plus, I know come this summer I'll be working 60+ hour work weeks, so I KNOW I won't have time to stay current on an MMO type of time sink.

I unload trucks for Lowes home improvement for those of you who don't know - and I make decent money, but what I'm really excited about is I work my ass off every day, get a really good workout so I stay fit (even though I do nothing but game and smoke weed on my off time) But upper management is so impressed by my leadership qualities and the way that I get things done and manage my resources that they're planning on actually creating a 'management' position back in receiving specifically for me. So that's pretty cool. Even though it's just temporary until my fiancee finishes her degree. When that happens I'm going to go to school to be an EMT and possibly afterwards an RN depending on job availability and how schooling goes - I'm dyslexic after all and I want to make sure that I'm going to be capable of handling the years of schooling that go with becoming a registered nurse.

What thoughts do you guys have? I was going to wait until the price came down, but $60 game basically makes the price $440 instead of $500...

Any thoughts on games that are coming out for it or such? I'm particularly excited for the halo2 remake.. considering the first two halo games are the only ones I enjoyed.

Adderall, type books, op. GGWP

Pls respond, maybe we can get the forums a little livelier. I'll try harder to keep posting

I've been really busy, this turned from a -game- thread into a -this is my life- thread so sorry about that, I'll change the title.

I got to see my stepdaughter the other weekend! and I also get to see her this weekend if we can get ahold of her father, which is unreliable at best. Little shitbird is 4 and she's talking now - she's autistic- but she's sweet as hell.

edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I just made it to sens fortress in dark souls, and it's the first thing in the game SO challenging that I actually quit for a few days. I had previously quit on the elevator boss in the poison swamp of blighttown... I died probably 30 times trying to figure out where exactly the shortcut was, only to find out that I didn't have the door to drake valley or w/e unlocked. Lost cumulatively probably 50k souls and 6 soft humanity.. I was very sad. Granted, that's not much considering a friend of mine in real life texted me in all caps

It still hurt though, but overall if you don't have the game I would HIGHLY recommend it, it's such a unique challenge that I haven't really seen the likes of since the old games on console that you couldn't save on - granted, you can save here- but you still actually LOSE something.

for example, I was just getting to the undead parish - no charges on my estus - and I see one of the rapier wielding swordsman from behind. "This guy looks badass... IDK if I can handle him." my fiancee says "dont be a bitch" but I have too many souls and a few humanity and I don't want to risk losing it, so I Was forced to either backtrack 20 minutes to a bonfire, or try to fight through it. So I applied some gold pine resin and went at him and 2 shot it. (fuck yeah high str and 2h battleaxe charge attack)

I then died to the shitty weak soldiers and crossbowman right before the bonfire, but it was such a moment of... not quite terror.. but definitely uncertainty that fighting was the right call. It was definitely an enlightening experience about how absolutely fucktardedly easy games are these days.

For example, I tried ES:O again this weekend. Nightblade class. It was really fun running around 3shotting mobs - much more fun than playing as a pure healer - but I couldn't make it past level 8 over 2 days because the game literally force-feeds you the storyline progression. I mean sure, you can run around and explore - and I did plenty of that- but it doesn't feel WORTH it to just explore like that. You don't make much progress, and just end up being really far away from the very linear story/quest progression.

Hopefully WoW pvp isn't as shitty as it was when I quit. I've been told warlocks are good again (my main class since I got gladiator s2)

WOW TALK ABOUT TL;DR that was just supposed to be about titanfall, sorry for my adderall induced rambling. If you read it, that's about what's been going on in my life.

Anyway, what have you guys been up to?
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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby Magyk on Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:29 am

Heard XBone was still selling like shit. PS4 outselling nearly 2-to-1 last I saw. I'll be buying a PS4 this month to play the new Metal Gear Solid on it's home console.

Titanfall looks alright, I guess. But it's just another FPS which will probably turn out to be so-so. I mean, it's being dev'd by Respawn (formerly Infinity Ward) who dev'd all those shitty Call of Duty games like MW2 and Ghosts. I'll probably never buy a Microsoft console until they branch out from FPS games being their "big thing." I can get plenty of them on another console, and honestly I'd rather play them on PC with a mouse.

I can't even really name any other XB1 exclusive that look mildly interesting.. Another Halo, yawn. Sunset Overdrive just looks like MIrror's Edge with TF2 graphics. Meh.
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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby Blackout on Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:45 am

I played ESO beta a little over the weekend but I found it boring and restrictive compared to normal Elder Scrolls games, MMOs aren't really my thing anyway. Haven't really looked at next gen consoles as it's not something that I need or that I would yews much but the PS4 looks to be more value for money than the XB1.
PS. Added you on steam not sure if you know its me.
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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby pete on Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:36 pm

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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby aradorasxeon on Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:12 pm

[quote="Magyk" I mean, it's being dev'd by Respawn (formerly Infinity Ward) who dev'd all those shitty Call of Duty games like MW2 and Ghosts.[/quote]

Just a little correction here Respawn really is the CORE OF former Infinity Ward, but the last thing they had their hands in is MW2. Soon after MW2 was released this core left and became Respawn.

2014.05.05. Thanks for al the fun!

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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby waflz on Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:24 pm

pretty much decided since im going to essentially be doing nothing but sleeping, working, and smoking and sleeping again, im going to just buy one at the end of summer and unlimited overtime if I still desire. Maybe they'll even be cheaper or there will be an exclusive that really catches my eye more than the other.
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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby waflz on Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:29 pm

pretty much decided since im going to essentially be doing nothing but sleeping, working, and smoking and sleeping again, im going to just buy one at the end of summer and unlimited overtime if I still desire. Maybe they'll even be cheaper or there will be an exclusive that really catches my eye more than the other.
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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby Turquoise Dragon on Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:15 pm

waflz wrote:just buy one at the end of summer...Maybe they'll even be cheaper or there will be an exclusive that really catches my eye more than the other.

I second this real hard. Better the money in your pocket than theirs.
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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby tens0r on Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:44 pm

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Re: ramblings of adderall

Postby piipe on Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:36 pm

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